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  • Hey. I added you on MSN hope thats cool. I like your new photos. You gotta be an Artist!!!
    lol thanks you too :) I'm alright I think, pretty tired though..haven't been sleeping as much as i should :-/ how about you? :)
    i love "into the wild" and would love to do something along the lines of what Christopher McCandless did, ive got the dvd and the audio book(which i listen to when i go to bed), i dont have the book though, im too lazy to read! lol, ive also got the soundtrack by eddie vedder(pearl jam) whenever i feel down i just put on something that i love, into the wild/pink floyd and especially bob marley, anyway hope your ok and thanks for the messege XX
    k Amie.i wanna have kids too if i ever ever get over this thing.i used to have classic but i couldn play any metal so i have an electric should give that little guy the guitar and make him a musician:D
    i've been tryin to do that for a week without success.i pick it up and after 2 minutes i put it back.i am from cyprus(to small to be known):)u?how long have you been playing?r those your babies???they r cute
    Hiya, I was so chuffed you got back to me :) Have you had any luck finding a job? I bet it's really hard right now with the recession and everything, but i reckon you'll find something, you're too nice for people to say no to you hehe What kind of jobs can you go for that doesn't involve people?
    I'm sorry to hear about Willow, that must be so stressful for you right now with finding what she can and can't eat! Is she Lactose intolerant or is it something else?
    Awww thanks for saying you like the pic of me and Danfalc, it is really nice being able to spend time with him, i've never met anyone from the internet before, but i'm so glad i was brave enough to meet up with him, he's so amazing :)
    I'm sorry you're feeling down. :( Summer effects me the same way Amie. I imagine people my age having fun and meeting up, and people going on adventures etc. I hope the neighbours aren't mean to you... how the hell could they be?! Ah I was 'playing' some good ol Boston before. It's actually my hands that had stopped me playing for a long time (pun intended), the feeling goes through me. It's a frustrating condition.
    I hope you feel a little better soon anyway. I might pm you some time.
    You're five hours behind I think, so might be about 10/11pm here? I admit I don't go on messenger much any more. It kinda annoys me, but if you're on i'll make an effort.
    "Maybe if everyone in the world was as nice as you or me I wouldn't have social anxiety."
    - I totally agree.

    I'm on msn every now and then I guess. I'll look out for you on there. Btw I got your message and sent you a reply. :D
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