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  • hi , hows you. i ve noticed you love movies. i would suggest you some but my brain seemes dead. i like moves that either makes me think , or makes me stop thinking completely haha but i m audiophile rather that filmophil - right now i have some tantrum for collecting vinyls and i dont know if my budget can cover that. But it is a tantrum so i have no option. On the movies again, i can connect you, give you emal of some of my lets say relatives who has a great passion for movies. he has a great collection of indenpendet european movies, everything that probably wont ever be relaeased on dvd, some extravaganza weird movies. he is always delighted with idea of suggesting some good movies for killing peoples time . ok, bye now, have a nice day
    thank you for adding me as a friend. And kudos for the mutual love of Bill hicks :) (aka goat boy!)
    Its ok I feel better now. Just tired of isolation and lonliness. Gets to me once in awhile. Thanks for your kindness.
    Not too bad at the moment.. kind of frustrated with work and finding an apartment for september. How are you?
    Hiya Hunny :)
    I'm so glad we have got chatting, i've always thought you were such a lovely, kind person, so it's really cool that we can have each other to chat to, i need a good girlfriend as well, and you're so amazing i'd be happy for you to be my mate hehe
    From what i have seen from your pictures you are a wonderful mother, Hayden always look so happy he's always smiling, and Willow just seems to be the best baby ever its blatantly obvious to anyone who looks that you're a brilliant mum :)
    And OMG! you might be coming to England???? i would totally love to meet up with you, just tell me where and when and i'll be there hehe we could have like an SPW meet up with the people we get on with, or if you prefer one on ones then that's cool as well. Hey i'll send you my email address and stuff so if we don't get on here often (i'm not on here a lot cos it's too depressing sometimes) we can still keep in touch *hugs* xxxx
    Your such a sweetheart ::eek:: I used to be like that until I worked in customer services.
    Personally I love the summer as my garden is in full florish. Not sure what the weather is like in canada this time of year but I don't like it too hot. I always wanted to go as my friend lived there for a few years and said the people were the kindest and most decent she'd ever known.
    I suppose I used to be somewhat of an artist myself. My art teacher pretty much guarenteed I get a A for my finals but dropped out due to SA :mad:
    Hi Amie, good to hear from you again and I hope your computer is now healthy :). I was in India in spring 2007. I would like to visit this country again when I have the possibility. I will PM you soon, take care
    oh btw...i think our time difference is about 8-9 could be more i guess depending on where in Canada you are...i suck at time differences lol xxxx
    Hiya *hugs* i'm so chuffed to hear from you again :) Oh i can't blame you for not working in Mcdonalds, i couldn't do it either, there's waaaaaay too many people around and i'm sure the work would be very stressful, that mail job sounds perfect though, even i would love to do that, or something on the internet would be good as well, you'd be able to stay at home with Willow and Hayden. I'm glad her allegies will clear up after a while, it must be really worrying for you having to watch what you give her. She sounds totally adorable though, the perfect daughter, when i have/if i have kiddies i'd love them to be happy and bubbly like her, she must make you smile so much every day :) Lewis the dog has already gone, it was so heart breaking to let him go, but he had a few good days here with us and he kept us busy and active, i miss him like mad, but i go home on Thursday so i get to see my zoo which will cheer me up hehe
    Girl, when I saw your photos I thought the same thing, what gorgeous eyes!!

    Thanks for the add!
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