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  • I have sort of followed it but like you I try to stay away from the media. I think they might be charged but they're undergoing counselling and stuff at the moment. Very unusual case.
    You can see my dog on this page, just scroll down: http://www.socialphobiaworld.com/post-a-picture-of-your-pet-34694/page-18/

    I'd hate to not be able to have a pet! I love animals and being around them so much. I've always had at least one pet and when I was younger I had three dogs and two cats at the same time lol. Two of the dogs I'd had since they were born (I was 7 but I still remember the birth) as we had their mother, but they sadly died at ages 13 and 16. The cats also died, so now I'm just down to my current dog, but she is an amazing dog - the most intelligent dog I've ever met.

    Growing vegetables and flowers is good. I also grow flowers, vegetables and fruit. I also love to watch birds, especially blue tits, blackbirds and robins. We have some beautiful buzzards living nearby, I see them every day when I go over the fields with my dog. It's quite awe-inspiring watching them soaring overhead. There's something so wonderful about nature, isn't there?
    Yeah, the media prefers to show beautiful people compared to ordinary looking people. What kind of tv shows do you watch over at the UK? I'm into Supernatural, Burn Notice (though I don't have cable to watch the newer episodes), and The Closer (which has ended during the summer).
    Ahh i see, well that's good to know :) aha no i don't worry about calories, not at all :p i eat everything sugary. I don't get why peopple pay more for food that has less calories, it's just not value for money! Hmm, as a treat... i guess donuts and chocolate and Gu deserts, but i have them often, not just as a treat :L you? Xx
    Hello, :) I have a Border Collie / Springer Spaniel / Labrador cross. I've had her for 6 years, I got her in May 2006 when she was nearly 4 months old.
    Oh nice, that sounds great :) i've made pizzas before but i've never made the dough properly from scratch. Doesn't the cheese stop the other toppings from burning? I cook occasionally but i rarely get time for it. Ah that's good the plants survived. There aren't really any interesting birds near me, or maybe i'm just not home enough during the day to see them! Xx
    I find it quite easy, i feel like i do a good job of being friendly to customers. Sometimes when i see other peple dealing with customers at work i cringe because they're not being friendly enough, i think it's important. Hehe that sounds good, do you do any cooking at home too? I think my brother is pretty indifferent to me most of the time and doesn't like me the rest of the time. My parents don't get involved as such, but i don't think they like it Xx
    A web comic is like a traditional comic book, except that it is posted on a website instead of being printed. Here is an example: Beyond Reality Media

    I'm not really into superhero, lots of adrenaline-type web comics because I don't like the way they draw women, it's just bordering on hentai. I'm more into the fantasy, mystery, supernatural, detective genres with less violence and more plot.
    There's a public health system which needs fixing but it's okay. There's private health which is better but you have to pay.

    It doesn't matter what genre you listen to; if it gives you an emotional response, then it means it's working. Some of my favourite bands include Meshuggah, Aborted, Immolation, Sodom, Comatose Vigil, and other heavy metal bands (too many to mention).
    They affect each other really, i don't really get one without the other. Yea that's a good rule. I tend to treat other people the way they treat me hehe :p at work i have to be professional all the time, mostly i am really friendly to customers but if it's someone i don't like then i'm just professional. I'm okay with family things if my brother isn't there. Yea i think i know what you mean. People take on different roles in different situations, so you can be a joker around some people and not others. At home i'm the baby of the house but at work i have to boss people around. I think everyone gets like that! Xx
    If it's public and free, there would be a huge waiting list, for sure.

    I do like music, yeah. I listen to a lot of heavy metal and that's my biggest hobby. What about you?

    Alcohol is not a great angle but it's one they could've still used. Not that it bothers me because I still find the new Simpsons episodes funny.
    Psychology is a demanding job indeed, especially if you're dealing with real hard patients. Your payment must've been on a sliding scale, which is good. I don't know any therapists who would be that flexible with paying up, so you picked a good one.

    Yeah, people can be cruel on themselves, like I can. You did well for changing your thought patterns.

    Hmm, I prefer any Barney, really. He was mostly drunk from memory. I hope they haven't written him out of the show because that would be a shame.
    I'm into fantasy, mystery, detective, and (sometimes) supernatural genres. I used to read books like the Harry Potter series, and I keep a list of books I've read during high school. But afterwards, when I got into college, I don't have much time to read novels for fun. Now, I read manga and web comics.
    Yea definitely. Over the counter medicine is okay, i'm all for using that, the microorganisms that cause illnesses can't build up a resistence to those so it doesn't really matter so much. Yea it can be pretty tough, i need to watch myself with work and i can't overdo it with anything else otherwise i'll go over the edge, so it's hard to socialise with that hanging over my shoulder too. Thanx :) that's good, being kind to yourself definitely helps. Try to treat yourself like you would treat someone else and you're all set :) Xx
    Wow, that's actually really good that you managed to reduce negative thinking. I know it takes a long time to do, and I'm noticing that very quickly.

    Sessions are expensive. The one I go to is $120 an hour, but I get Medicare rebates so it only costs me $57. £20 is a very small amount!

    Hmm, I think Moe having his own show would be awesome, as long as Barney could join. Maybe have an episode following Chief Wiggum, too.
    There's no cure really, the best you can hope for is management of the symptoms but it's very hard to find the drugs though because they can make other symptoms worse, so i don't take anything. Yea whooping cough is really bad this year because of antibiotic resistence, that's the trouble with over-prescribing. I see people at work taking antibiotics all the time for infections that will just clear up by themselves in a few days, but it's the doctors fault really for not giving appropriate treatment Xx
    Still sensory organs cancer and vaccinations, i'll be doing that for the next 4 weeks and then more science stuff after that. Yea it is pretty interesting, there's been a whooping cough empidemic this year because the virus has evolved to become resistant to antibiotics. Antibiotics are prescribed too much these days and it's becoming a real problem. Yea it's a more severe kind of chronic fatigue syndorme. Most people haven't heard of it so i'm impressed :) Xx
    No, I don't live in the northeast so Hurricane Sandy didn't affect my area. Thanks for your concern!
    I won't go into specifics but basically she wants me to do Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to stop bad thoughts and depression. It's been really difficult. We've discussed my anxiety, too, but nothing that's going to be a big help at the moment.

    The Simpsons movie did have mixed reviews. I thought it was good, though, and I liked the Spider Pig thing, as well. :)
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