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  • Hugs work too:). Although I'm surprised you accommodated me. I would have expected you to have given me a Hershey's Kiss instead::p:. Maybe my charm is working on you a bit;)? But, I do wish you all the best in your endeavors Phoenixx.
    Anything I can do to help:). Although I didn't do much really. You had the plans already; you just needed the push forward. Can I have a kiss as thanks;)?
    Always ask. I'm pretty sure that this is going to be a big chunk of your grade so failure isn't an option. You have about a week left; you can finish it:). I'm pretty sure your teacher will accept any form of illustration and ask if you can do something else. If you can't, then shoot for "The Red Tree". Ask him what to do and get to it:).
    Hm, well, about the first project, if you decide to do something on the Book of Revelations, you should look up the Darksiders series and dabble a bit into Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne. Those two deal a lot with the end of the world and even have some pictures of the Horsemen you could use for inspiration. As for the second project, if you decide to do something controversial, you could go into abortion, the death penalty, slavery, same-sex marriage, you know, stuff like that.
    I know those days all too well. Give them time, they'll go away. And Phoenixx? You're not a failure. Lots of people like you (myself included:)) and see the potential within you. So, what are you working on? Maybe I can help.
    Well, I'm not sure if you really care or not, but I did my presentation today. All I can say is, "It could have been worse::p:." So, what did you do today?
    Like how long? I should be able to get the materials and everything set up for my pad in a few years:). Until then, milady Phoenixx should enjoy her single life. Being free and having to answer to no-one but yourself can be a glorious gift sometimes.
    Why do you say that? I mean, I know college is going to take up some time, but I can't imagine it being an extremely long amount of time. Then there's getting your foundations set, which might take some time. Is there anything else I'm missing?
    All in due time, milady Phoenixx:). All in due time. When you say "I do", that's when I'll start building it;)::p:. Then I can get started on the doghouse, which I'm sure I'll be visiting a lot:rolleyes:!
    I'm sure he won't mind::p:. But, remember Phoenixx, you'll have to be patient with me because I suck at cooking::eek::. But, can I work on building my pad while I'm helping you cook?
    When you do, can I be around to taste-test your food:)? I might even learn some things about cooking watching you!
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