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  • Well, that's good:). Just make sure to do it at least one day ahead; I need to make sure it's accomodated for more than one person. That and I hate surprises::p:. Do I need to get you anything built in the pad?
    While some company may be good for me (especially your company;)), I'm afraid that I'm going to have to decline. You might get involved in my UFO Ninja business:rolleyes:. Then again, it depends on when you plan on showing up at my door:eek:.
    You're talking to the guy who lived with his two older brothers that liked to hit and torture him::p:! I can handle a little annoyance. Besides, if things get really crowded, then I'll set up my own bachelor pad outside:cool:.
    Oh, thank you. I'm like really manic right now, so sorry if I type anything weird :x I realize I can come off as making no sense or hyper critical, but I'm usually just manic and try and talk a lot. Just to warn you :p See, I already started just typing you a paragraph XD
    Thank you:D! I'll use my UFO Ninja and Telekinesis to get my books::p:! After that, I'll take up habitation in your house:rolleyes:!
    Yeah, I'd say that Artemis Fowl is pretty good:). The Dresden Files and A Song of Fire and Ice are at the library nearby, but I can never get the first book and I hate skipping ahead. Well, next time you go to a yard sale, pick up a few books for me;)!
    I read novels like Artemis Fowl, Codex Alera, and Gone. I'd like to begin reading The Dresden Files and A Song of Fire and Ice though. I could probably find them in a yard sale or thrift store, but, around my house, I don't think there are any yard sales. The thrift store is far away from my house, a distance that I could only cross with a car. Other than that, I'm a hermit in summer::eek::!
    It's alright to read; it's all I do nowadays:D! It keeps me sane. I usually buy my books at Books-a Million or Barnes & Noble because I can't find what I want to read anywhere else. It's really costly::(:.
    Yeah, I like the Percy Jackson series:). I never heard about the spinoff before though. How long is it? But I think I've seen the Kane Chronicles books before. What other favorite series do you have?
    I'm working on reading the entire series; this is my first time reading Percy Jackson and the Olympians:). The next book is the last book, right?
    Hehe, thanks:). But, until then, I'll use my personality and Casanova-ness to win thine fair maiden's heart:cool:::p:! And you'll find your answer too, milady Phoenixx. Good luck with it.
    Don't say that Phoenixx::(:. I would be willing to bet that you are far more attractive than you think you are (of course, now I'm feeling deja vu). I'm guilty of the same thoughts myself though. But, even so, I know that you are a very pretty woman:). Just believe me and have some faith in yourself, okay?
    Odd. My mother says that I look focused and unapproachable, while my friends and everyone else just say that I look shy. I don't know which one's worse. As for you, maybe it's because you're super attractive? Beautiful women definitely scare me. I feel beneath them, like I'm not good enough. Maybe the other guys feel the same way about you.
    The reason why I look like that was because I was in a picture and had to smile and I was also happy that she was next to me. In normal circumstances, I'm not like that at all. Quite the opposite, really. I just feel uncomfortable and self-conscious around people (moreso females) and I get mean and scowly or don't look at them to cope. It's kinda like how a king cobra will open its hood to predators, except I'm more posturing than anything.
    Oh, that sounds horrible:eek:! It's not too bad is it? I hope you'll be okay! Do you need some TLC;)?

    I'm also the Most Interesting Man in the World::p:! I'm loads of fun! Of course, I also look like I'm either ready to kill someone or I look like I'm looking past a person, as if they were a nuisance or superfluous::(:. I guess that's why I'm unapproachable.
    If only I knew what mono was:rolleyes:. *pats you on the shoulder* Poor girl, you've become a victim of my flirting::p:. I'm incorrigible (and an idiot), aren't I?

    I'm not a user of telekinesis, I'm also a UFO Ninja:cool:! And animals love me:D! Partly because I am an animal!
    Well, point me in the direction of a malicious dragon and I'll go slay it, then, when I return, you can give me a congratulatory kiss:rolleyes:! Well, don't worry about heights. You can hold on to me:cool:. And, wow, I'm really flirting with you, aren't I::p:?

    Ah, yes. Well, I know where I'm spending the night:D!
    Hehe, thanks Phoenixx:). You're so nice and sweet.

    So what do I have to do to get a prize from you? Slay a dragon and rescue you from your tower;)? Oh yes, and before I forget, how did your advising go?
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