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  • Hey that's great :) try to hang on to that feeling hun. My exercise has gone out of the window again *blush* I'm having some pc problems and my coursework is suffering for it at the moment, it's so frustrating. Overall it's really interesting though thanks :)
    It's funny that you say that actually, I think about that often. I wouldn't want to leave this place, but if I get over my SA, who knows. I still think it's a long time from now though, so don't worry, I'll still be here for a while :D. Unless I find a girl, then I'll probably spend all my time with her :D lol (I hope that you can forgive me for that :D)
    Really? Is p90x really that good? I started working out again, I'm mostly doing body weight excercises and it's working great so far. I'll look up p90x :), maybe I'll try it, thanks :D.

    Yeah everything's good. Especially today - I'm trying to live under this new philosophy that everyone is imperfect including myself and I should accept that. It does wonders for my Social Anxiety :). I used it very effectively today and felt very little anxiety, as opposed to what I have most days :). Things are looking up.
    Good to see that you see stress that way (positively) :). Thanks for the good thoughts, it means a lot to me coming from you :) - you're a great person! Anyway, progress is really slow with SA... I haven't met a girl and I don't I will in a while... still, I'm okay with it I guess - it's not like I have a choice, might as well accept it :D
    Getting geared up for Halloween. Buying bits and pieces of my costume. Have a circlet, glitter spray, makeup and various jewelry so far. Gonna order the dress soon and then the elf ears. :p
    Hey a lot of work can be good - it means more money, more comfort :). I know I could use more money right about now, I'm living paycheck to paycheck, oftentines having to borrow money (but that's my own damn fault too :p). Sorry to hear that it's causing stress for you man :(.

    I meant new-found ground metaphorically :). I'm doing a little better with my SA :)
    Nah, it's fully in your right to complain. Money isn't everything, but when it comes to your kids I can only imagine how big a motivation it must be apposed to the job being fun. I'd say, if it helps, complain till your butt falls off. ;3

    I don't know, isn't there anything else you could do in the not too distant future? :eek:
    New and exciting? :O No, not really. Still same old. Doing good, though. ;3

    How about you? How are things with you?
    Hey man, good to see you :). I've been progressing fine, starting to settle in this new-found ground. Though I'd like to be better off, I'm content with what I have achieved so far. How about you? How are you? How have you progressed with your panic attacks?
    I should think so too, WoW should be dead imo now, I was more a fan of EVE online over wow. Crazy game. Sitting in dark space for about 6 hours real time waiting for a PVP skirmish to happen, God I miss those days. Lol.
    I'm not doing so well... I just got the engagement ring back, i'm depressed and i got insomnia, not to mention i'm drinking lots of absinthe :(
    I just want someone to love and care for.
    How are you?
    Oh not at all, I actually find it rather flattering. :3 I've always tried to become semi-genderless (or at least not-macho) when it comes to personality, so I guess it's more a confirmation of achievement then it is an insult, a rather big compliment even. So thank you. ;D

    I've been relatively good. How about you?
    That's true.. But still, the gesture of sharing ones means, out of good nature is always nice in my book.

    Not at all, that's okay. ;3 But unfortunately no, I'm not a parent. I'd love to be after certain evident problems are solved. On top of that I'm also too young and inexperienced to properly take care of child. But yeah, in due time I'd like to be. :3

    Though, I must add that I'd be a father at that, to be specific. ;3
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