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  • oh no! I hope you are better. There is no school, will look to see if they have some classes or something. I don't know if I have time for it though, am taking 14 hrs and got a job.
    I'm sorry but I do not believe it to be true. :p I don't want you to exert yourself.
    Aw, I'm sorry that hear that! I'll kick life in the face when I see it, 'kay? That will teach it not to be mean to you. :3

    Still no job, taking it step by step.. If I got anything, it's time. Patients running a bit thin, though, I'm aching to buy some new things to keep myself entertained, but without money.. there's not much I can do. You can only recycle old cardboard boxes into so many things, eh?

    I'll get there though, I'll get there. ;3
    A boot in the face seem to knock life on its butt for a while, I've noticed. That, and the promise of cookies. ::p::rolleyes:
    hey, I know:/ every time I get on your not on. I am doing ok, I got a job. Tried to find some martial arts schools around where I live, but there isn't any. Anyway, how have you been?
    i didnt really know how 2 responde wen ppl leave comments on yur profile lol so ill come 2 yu.....but heyyy how r yu??
    Ha, it's not too bad right now I have to say. I've got it in a headlock at this moment in time. ;D

    How have you been?
    Hey man. The job hasn't been too kind to me lately... I kind of feel like i want to quit already since I'm getting poor performance reviews on a daily basis now :x
    Hey bro! All is good with me... can't complain. Nothing new nor interesting with me really, you know, this social phobia makes that pretty hard to accomplish, but I'm fine, I'm happy :). It's good to see you on here btw :D
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