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  • Just the usual plans, go to the designated family meetup place, stuff my face, run away. You?
    Hey bud, hope you're feeling better - which seems like you are :)

    As for me, I'm doing better as well :) - thanks for asking :D
    Same here, man. You're also amongst the people whom I care about around these forums. Sorry I took so long to respond, had a bit of a rough patch myself.

    I got a job finally, though, which is good. But the payment is a little unsure still (due the the nature of the shop I work at, the government pays my salary). My mom said she'd handle it, because she has more experience with the incompetence of the government. I'm a little unsure about the job so far too, only been there two days. The first day wasn't nice, as I didn't have a clue what to do, but I had my second today and it was more to my liking. I got to do something that comes to me naturally (putting things like cups, plates, vases and other small (second hand) household items on shelves, in a good ), and better yet I got to do it alone.

    Chances are I'll be doing just that most of the time. Which is awesome. But like I said, it's still all new, so I'll have to see how it goes. How are you doing now, feeling any better yet?
    Hey man... sorry to hear things haven't been so great for you lately. Things have been pretty much stagnant for me... feel like im going nowhere in a hurry. ::(:
    I went to the Amish market today and basically bumbled my way around embarrassing myself in front of the girls with bonnets.

    Why not doin so well?
    ((hugs)) Sounds like you've been having a rough time.. Wanna post a new thread about it so we can answer properly? You're a great person, very caring!! It's just the OCD/anxiety/stuff in our heads messing with us!! Probably just a lot of things have piled up.. If you were really a bad person you wouldn't worry about it!! Look up 'Pure OCD'!! :) I commented on the thread I mentioned long ago, not sure if it's still relevant? Here: Feel free to talk about what's happening now... Maybe we can help...? Oh, and I prefer to not watch the news much.. Lots of beautiful&wonderful things happen in the world too, media can just blow the bad stuff out of proportion often.. It's normal to be angry then.. And can be even good. Especially if it makes you change and be more eco etc. Try to find 'good media' that mention funny or good things too.. a radio show that's like stand-up comedy, even news sound better...
    Okay, found it: Anger Busting 101 by Newton Hightower (no wonder he was angry, with such a name!! :))
    Have you had anyone to talk to about things you're going through? Maybe you can start your own thread? Take care!!
    Hey Survivor. Sorry to hear you've been feeling bad (saw it on Puma's page). There's a really good book on Anger Management, saw it on amazon (yes I sometimes have had troubles with that too, sigh.. and my parents too, ahh.. it isn't easy, is it?) wishing you things to get better!! I'll try to find a link!
    Don't worry, these things are usually just negative avalanche that have been building up for too long. Like you said after all, you usually try to help other people. A great thing in theory, but for you personally not super helpful. I'd say take it easy for a while and surround yourself with things you like.

    Did something happen to triggered it, though? :c
    Hey PS, sorry I haven't been in touch, my world has decended into a living hell recently, haven't really been in the mood to talk to people. Really sorry to hear your relationship is rocky at the moment, I feel for you so much, you are where I was a few months back. I hope things work out for you, you'd never know maybe its just a bump in the road. Either way, keep your head up, you can make it through...
    Hey, sorry for the late response. I'm doing ok, some up days and some down days. I was thinking of not coming back here. Sorta just tired of everything. I was also temp banned because I got in an argument with someone. But do you got MSN or yahoo or any of those instant messengers?
    Nah, no problem. ;3 I'm still at it, with the job search that is. No real clarity on it yet, but we're getting closer. :3
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