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  • I hear where you're coming from. The inner deamons can be most freighting. Don't be too hard on yourself though, there's a lot in life that just builds up without mercy, and no matter how warm, nice and controlled we are, in the end we're just human.

    I'm doing pretty good right now. Just hanging in there, being positive. :3
    Aww that's so precious :) I want pics dammit! I've been having a rough few days but it'll pass. Boys are real good thanks :)
    I'm now 1-5 and last in my league! Lost by 1 point cause Kenny Britt from the Titans didn't get enough yards... gaahh relegated to playing spoiler now.
    Aw, that's very flattering. x3 Thank you! *hug*

    But I don't think that would work out very well. I can't even smile for a photograph. x3;;
    Thanks man :D. Really appreciate that! Everything's going fine. I hope everything is going fine with you too :). Have a good one man!
    Do you want me to email it to you? Send me a PM and I will send through the workout schedule.
    Bioware discuss SWTOR player ships, group gameplay and PvP at E3 - Massively

    Bam :O There you go. :)
    Hey Panicsurvivor (nice name!) yeah p90x is great...its hard though but I guess thats why it works. You do 3 phases. 3 weeks of high intensity exercises working a different area of the body then a week doing stretching/yoga/cardio/core work. You dont need much equipment, but a pull up bar is essential (i just use a door mounted bar). He makes you do a lot of push ups for your chest, and then with your arms you do varients of bicep curls and lateral raises. Your legs are mostly lunges and static squats. Admittedly I take the odd day off (miss a workout) once in a while because I am so tired from the day before, does what it says. It definitely gets noticeable results. It feels good. :)

    I can send you the work out plan actually if you dont have it...but its basically 3 weeks muscle training, 1 week yoga/stretching for 3 months.
    Hi Survivor! I'm a bit not sure what to do, so many things in the air, lol.. Otherwise doing good.. :) I was thinking about answering that question of yours and lost the thread lol..
    Hey! I'm hanging in there - the job is going okay but it's killing away whatever semblance of a social life I had beforehand. Too bad Fantasy football isn't going well for you - I'm 1-3 too if that's any consolation. Haha... anyways hope you're doing okay
    Extremely tight full body suit or tight ripped jeans and no shirt. It is up to you :p
    Yeah, one of my oldest cats passed away yesterday. I feel a little bit weird about it all. Unfortunately I can't be sad like a normal human being, it resulted in a throbbing migraine and tons of confusion.

    It's gonna take some time to become myself again, but all in all I'm okay. I mourned most before she went away as I knew she didn't have too long, so the worst is behind already.

    Thank you for taking the time to check up on me, Survivor. You're a good guy. ;3
    So how are you dude? All impressions seem to indicate that you're good :). I always appreciate your presence here, you're one of the few people here that can bring my mood up :).
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