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  • HA! Thanks nate:) I loooove it lol... I had to look at it again, I thought they were jellies at first. Wishful thinkin lol... hopefully ill go back to the aquarium and take more pictures, that way I can send them to you:)
    Awww. Sorry I missed you. I have my browser set up to kick me off the site after 30 minutes, so that makes it harder to catch me, haha.
    Baah! Thank you nate! How did you know?! I can't wait to try that recipe out.... you just made me very happy:)

    And don't think I forgot about my moms recipe. My sister is supposed to email me the traditional recipe (not the watered down version I do..). Ill email it to you at the end of the week:) and thank you again!
    I'm looking at that cat you posted on my wall months ago and I just realized that it kind of reminds me of my sister. :)
    You changed your signature!? :eek:
    But......but who's going to fight for the rights of chickens crossing the road!?:idontknow:
    Oh nice-says the "Biggest" but not the "Best" movie of the yr even.. LoL...looks very passionate :p
    Oh don't worry about that, I'm just waiting for the weather to be warm enough to take my kayak to the sea, where only whales can see me :D
    Hahahaaa thanks, after posting that though I wondered if it was harsh.
    How are you doing? I'm trying to stay away from the computer lately, because I've been spending way too much time watching movies and meaningless tv shows since I kind of stopped going to the gym, and the black cloud is coming back, so I need to go back to the good habits... Going for a loooong bike ride now. :)
    Yessssss, it does! Gosh I haven't heard that term in a long time. But you're right.
    you are really too kind. I am afraid I have a bit of Fight or Flight when it comes to this topic so I may have over prepsred for it. :)

    Thank you, though.
    Thank you, you made me laugh pretty hard when I read that.
    My twin is an Atheist, so I have try to show him as much tolerance and respect as possible, mostly by joking around..which is easy we have the same silly humor...:)
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