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  • "Perhaps fleas in Australia have titanium exoskeletons and wear tiny little biohazard suits"....

    ^:lol: :rolleyes:

    I won't go into details about what your comment just made my cup of tea do. :bigsmile:
    Lol :p
    I decided against getting one after all. My mtoher told me about the dreadful difficulty she had getting rid of fleas that had come over into her yard and then house from her next door neighbour who has two dogs.
    This scared me as my neighbour has a huge dog and I don't want to have to be fighting to get fleas out of my house that may have got onto a cat of mine from the dog next door. I am allergic to flea bites. I did not realize it is so hard to get rid of fleas from your house/yard. Oh well, c'est la vie.:sad:
    You mean you don't want to wear the pretty friendship ring I bought you? :sad: Well, alright...
    I just realized we're not friends on here. WHY AREN'T WE FRIENDS??? :'(


    I saw you had a migraine, hope you feel better!
    ah, yeah. Several stressful things happening all at once :crying: things are easing up a bit now though, thanks. Hope life is at least bearable for you at the moment?
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