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  • Thanks and I wouldn't say you complain too much. I like your posts, they encourage me very much. Why are you feeling bad? Hope you feel better soon too :)
    I thought thats what the teen years were all about lmao. Theres not really much you can do legally as a teen, so I doubt you missed much aside from maybe high school puppy love. Yeah I just ended up buying Fear 2 for like $14. I really wanted Thor and Xmen 1st Class on bluray but they were like $30 each and I dont wanna spend that kinda money. Im gonna wait to get the cheap on amazon
    I take it your not excited? :S
    Just a few more days and then its party time! I got sent a 10% off coupon for Best Buy lol. Not that 10% off really saves me that much >.>
    Yay :D
    But yeah if you ever need to get a hold of me or something since I havent been on here that often lately, just message me on Facebook xD
    HELLO. I havent been checking this place regularly D: You should just start FB messaging me or something.
    And dude -.- I got in a fight with a friend a while ago because they were going to trash up a cemetery on halloween. I straight up told them if they were going to, I'd go there just to stand up for the place. I was so mad. If they actually went I probably would've just lost it.
    And ohh :\ well yeah. You're pretty young and new there so I guess you'd be one of the first to be laid off. When did you give Barnes your application?
    .. I just noticed I did the same with your profile :D
    And psh, sorry? I love talking to you :D
    Did you get fired or something? And ohh, good luck! I dont see why they wouldnt accept you.
    Yeah |: And now my mom is complaining that I dont hang out with them even if they do annoy me. She says it's better than spending time alone.
    Which is **** logic ._.
    Pretty much. I was just with my mom getting smoothies cuz my dad got his tooth pulled, so I just acted friendly and whatnot. They asked why I didnt answer my phone which was awkward. I was just like.. Oh my bad. And just played it off.
    But yeah, I live in a pretty boring place so I see people from school often. Usually though its just random students that I know but dont talk to.
    About the same :I I saw some people from high school today, and all I could think was WHY HERE WHY NOW WHY
    Especially since one of them keeps trying to call me and I never answer.
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