Be careful you not scare her, I don't think women like guys who use that command. I do can recommend a good combination of that command, just do "auto-entertainer" and you'll be a couple for the rest of yours lives.
Yeah! That'd be nice! =) I mean I just ask my guy friends for advice like "oh how can I approach guys?" or "I think this guy is cute, what should I do?" and they get all weird about it, haha. Even though I totally help them talk to girls lol!
Nice! You're the first person who got the reference! I love that game.
Yeah, DBZ is awesome. Which was your favourite saga? I always like the Android Arc, probably because I like Future Trunks hahahaha. Cell Saga is pretty up there though. SSJ2 Gohan! lol.
haha yes! Actually, the time when I was most influenced by Dragon Ball was when I hadn't even seen a single episode. My ideas of the show were purely based off of what my friends would describe to me at school... and I think having that kind of creative authority helped me to internalize it a lot more... as if it were a show of my own creation!
when I finally got access to the show through internet (about 15 years old) I spent hour after hour just gorging myself on episode after episode ::