Recent content by lithium

  1. lithium


    Has anyone experienced this? I'm talking in a general sense. Nothing gets me excited anymore. I don't ever look forward to anything, and life is just plain boring. When I was younger things were more exciting and worth while. Now everything is just the same routine and I have to force myself to...
  2. lithium

    Rearing it's ugly head again....

    Depression is coming back again. These last few days have I've been feeling down and empty. I'm trying to fight it. I came here to let loose, because it's sort of like a sanctuary for me. So here it goes, this is how I feel: Falling back into this ****-ing hole again. This time it's deeper and...
  3. lithium

    Hanging Out

    This seems to be a particular problem that I have with hanging out with friends. Whenever I do hang out with people, I usually like to be there in the beginning. That is to say, if it's going to be a group of friends hanging out, I like to be there first and not just meet-up when there are...
  4. lithium

    Progress Through Depression

    Does anyone believe this is possible?
  5. lithium


    Depression hits you like a ton of bricks. That's what happened to me today. I just stopped and thought about reality. Things got put into perspective, and BAM, I was down...
  6. lithium

    There's nothing...

    to do today...
  7. lithium

    New Year's

    So this year is coming to an end, and a new one lays ahead of us. Anyone have an optimistic outlook and resolution for the new year?
  8. lithium


    I'm depressed. Getting high isn't like it used to be...
  9. lithium


    I want get my haircut, but it's such a tedious process. Having to tell the person how you want it cut, and then actually having to sit there for nearly half an hour or more while you watch yourself in the mirror. The only good part about it is when I look at myself in the mirror I can control my...
  10. lithium

    Something to look forward to?

    So here I am, with another attempt at making a successful thread. Woe is me and my lack of interesting things to say. Anyways, I came to the realization just today, that I don't really have much to look forward to; except for my first semester of college ending. Even then, I'll just be stuck in...
  11. lithium

    Locus of control

    In my psychology class we touched upon an interesting concept. It is formally known as the locus of control. There are two different types of locus of control. The first is known as "External locus of control". It basically means that a person believes that their life is influenced by forces...
  12. lithium

    Back to nothing?

    So, I have been fighting depression for the last 3 years or so. It's on and off. Some days I'll be fine, then others will be shit. But lately, it feels like I'm sinking back into this hole, known as depression. It seems to be sucking me back in. I know this for sure because I recognize the...
  13. lithium


    I have come to the realization of what my biggest problem is. It's that I get stuck in my head/mind way too much. That is to say, that I over-analyze things to great extent. Simple little remarks, or actions, I keep thinking about in my head. As a result, I end up thinking negatively about what...
  14. lithium

    At the end of the day...

    How many of you feel empty? That's how I feel most days.
  15. lithium


    This is is hard. Tears rolling down my cheeks. I just feel horrible, I want to feel numb right now. I ruin everything. I'm nothing. Worthless. Why do I do this?? I can never learn from my damn mistakes. I always do this. And now I know why she couldn't put up with me anymore. Why she can't put...