Awww, that's great - if not a bit weird - that ye thought o' me while watching Trainspottinng 2. But I'll take the compliment none the less. :thumbup:
Haven't got round to watching the sequel yet, myself. The Irish fella who tattoos me gave it a recommendation, also. Though, he said watch the first one again afore watching the sequel. So, I need to get round to watching both back to back.
Ah take it ye had the subtitles, then?
And I know what ye mean about the accent being difficult to understand. The Scottish accent tends to be like that, generally, the further north of Scotland ye go. :bigsmile:
Haven't got round to watching the sequel yet, myself. The Irish fella who tattoos me gave it a recommendation, also. Though, he said watch the first one again afore watching the sequel. So, I need to get round to watching both back to back.
Ah take it ye had the subtitles, then?