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  • I've taken most of the classes for my major, but my school requires basic art classes (drawing, 2D design, color theory, etc.), 3 film photography classes, art history classes, 2 digital photo classes, and then a class that prepares me for my final senior project.
    It seems rather intimidating, since there's 3 parts to it, but it just takes a lot of planning and practice. They give you exactly a year to take the written portion of it.
    Yep, I'm trying to pursue it professionally. I enjoy shooting a variety of things (I'm pretty experimental with it). Ideally, I'd like to become a medical photographer, and I'm planning on taking a test to get certified as one pretty soon.
    Oh, a bunch of different things. Photography, reading (when I'm not stuck in textbooks), taking walks, bowling (when I have someone to go with me), and drawing on the computer. What about you?
    Thanks a bunch! I've just been on an emotional roller coaster lately, and I'm trying my best to distract myself from thinking too much about the cause of the pain.
    You seem like a really nice person. Oh,and you give good advice. Like the people staring at my legs thing. ;)
    I'm trying to make them learn enjoying themselves, self worth and value of friendship not just by the game itself but also by the incidents that surround the game. It could be any game though, nothing in particular.
    Its just reading about how many horrible stuff people are going through, making me a little upset. Nice, good luck with the story. I've just given an introduction of the characters in mine and a description of the school. I'm having trouble choosing the game though. It has to be a team game, but I don't know what...
    I am an amazing cook (not bragging or anything, sorry if it sounded mean)
    And uhm, online writing lessons? Or maybe at your community centre.
    Uhm. Hobbies are good time killers.
    Playing sports, er, baking, writing, uhm...eating? haha...
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