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  • I'm not in a bad environment here, but I'm suffocating with my parents. I need out. I can't get out. I'm getting a lot of bad feelings and I can't deal with them (loneliness is creeping up on me more and more). It's just a ****fight. I'll get through it eventually.

    Wherever this positive environment is, I hope to find it soon.
    Yeah, I don't know, man. My thoughts follow me everywhere. A positive environment would be helpful. I don't even know what that would be.

    Thanks for caring. Means a lot.
    She already knows. I told her I want to move out but I simply can't afford it now. I'm stuck. Thanks anyway.
    I'm going to read the manga now. You genius, you. It's so hard to find a good manga to read. It's like I hit Page one and I'm like "I'm bored." then I try to find another manga to read :(
    Well for the first project, I was just thinking of doing an illustration of the four horsemen from Supernatural. The show's 5th season was all about the apocalypse and such. (Great season, btw) That's the thing though, I don't know if he accepts illustrations of characters or whether it has to be purely your creativity. It's a little late to be asking him now. He seems like an open teacher though, so I don't know if I'm going to take the plunge on that or not.

    I was trying to stray away from controversial subjects. I don't like them much really. I mean, yeah of course I have my own opinions, but I always refrain from talking about them, or in this case, showing them. I really wanted to do the photography project, but I don't have a proper camera for it. I might ask him if I can do something of my own free will. I don't know. Gah! I'm so lost. ::(:
    With my second project, I also have 3 subjects to choose from. 1) "The Red Tree;" that's all he gave us. No information. You create what you think of and you'll either get a good critique or a bad one. 2) Again, controversy. And 3) A photography project using either animation, hdr techniques, tilt shift technique, cloning, or a cinemagraph.
    My main concern right now, besides studying for this Psych test coming up, is two digital art projects I need to complete by next Thursday. If you've been reading some of my posts, you know that I've been struggling a lot with my creativity. I have very few ideas and I just don't know what to do. The one project was due right before break and I never even started it. Now I have another coming up that's due right after break (this Thursday), so obviously I'd like to turn in both on the same day rather than constantly be a project behind.

    My first project I have three subjects to choose from. 1) Do an illustration using drawings or a photomontage of a part of the Book of Revelation (apocalypse, four horsemen, etc.). 2) A controversial topic. And 3) "Interacting with the Real World," in which you incorporate your own drawings into photos in a humorous or interesting way.
    That's good, Deadman. :) Glad it went (somewhat?) well.

    Today has been a struggle for me actually. It's another one of those, "I hate myself, I'm such a failure, and I hate college." type of days. I'm just really stressed out and exhausted. I have all this work to do still and so little time. I just don't know what to do other than work my butt off. I can't work my butt off though if I don't have any ideas. ::(:
    You really don't have to apologise, but the fact that you have tells me that your a nice guy. Hope you are keeping well.
    Oh man. Do you have to present it in front of the class? And...I just kind of sit here and distract myself with reading until my anxiety goes down. What do you do when it happens to you? :p
    You can sleep in my brother's room. :p I'll kick him out for you. I have no idea what I want to make. I'll think of something eventually.
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