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  • If you mean do I know how to make my own candy? No I have no idea. I haven't experimented with that yet. Someday though!
    Fine by me. My cousin and my mom went overboard on buying candy this year for some reason. Not sure why, but have as much as you like. I'm kind of getting sick of looking at it already, haha. Oh, here you go.

    Oh that's right. That's no way to spend an Easter though. There's still time to celebrate. Here's a chocolate bunny for your sake. You've earned it. :)

    I think I am jittery just because I am feeling a little nervous. I can't pinpoint a reason, just nerves. What is your presentation for? School, work?
    Oh, that sounds like a pretty good plan then. Good luck! :) My Easter was good. Been eating nothing but chocolate the past two days and now I've got a massive headache haha. I need to lay off the sugar. :p How was yours?
    If you explain to your professor what happened, I'm sure he/she will be more than willing to listen, and hopefully give you the grade you deserve. I really wish I could help you further. ::(:
    Oh man, that totally blows. ::(: Sorry to hear about your group. I've been there before though, ending up having to do all the work because no one would show up or help. It's frustrating.

    By more detail, just add more information to your slides if they're a bit vague. I don't know the exact context of your powerpoint... Wait, it is a powerpoint right?... Well, still I don't know so I can't give you any specific examples.
    Um, that is a great question. Spend more time and add more detail to your presentation? More pictures relevant to the subject? Or rather than adding to the presentation physically, maybe make some notecards with details on it so you can explain it? That's all I can really think of. What's your presentation about? I'm assuming it's due tomorrow?
    You flirting with your mother.

    No need to hold any hands. I'll just watch and make sure you're doing it right.
    " would be weird if I were flirting with my mother:eek:."
    ^ Yes, very much so. Thanks for the mental picture.

    It looks like I need to introduce you to real food. I have no problem teaching someone who wants to learn. :)
    Practice won't hurt anybody else as long as you take it easy. Don't expect me to cook for you all the time. I'm not your mother. :p
    I wouldn't say that, I'm kind of a complainer. ::eek::
    So far Firefox and the MiniChat have not decided to have any more issues with one another. I just have to make sure I keep an eye on my Firefox cache and not install any strange updates, and things should stay good (I hope). ^^
    You always get better with practice. I've made tons of things, I've been doing it since I was 13, and I went to a tech school for Culinary Arts for my last two years of high school.

    I usually like to make either Italian or English meals. I sometimes experiment with Asian stuff, but not to often. Not sure why because I really like it.
    Not that hard. We're not talking expensive, 5-star gourmet meals or ingredients here. I don't get into fancy. I just get into whatever tastes good. ::p:
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