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  • Hello! How are you? Hope you're having a good few days and that you're feeling alright. I had a rubbish few weeks but today isn't too bad, so that's a relief :)
    Australia, that's so cool! What part of the country do you live in? I would love to visit Australia, seems Irish people are kind of drawn there for some reason, the Australian people seem really nice. I think maybe it's kind of like a really big, really sunny Ireland! But I wouldn't know! ::eek:: My aunt lived in Perth for a few years and it sounds gorgeaus, just a nice relaxed, sunny, happy place :D
    Aw, that made me laugh so much! :D I've been watching the episodes on the internet since it's not on tv here in Ireland...and now the second season is over and they don't want to do another one for a while ::(: *cry*!
    I love Murray, his character is so hilarious! Did you see him in Yes Man, that film with Will Smith? He was pretty much the same character, ha.

    I'd love to see Flight of the Conchords live, but I doubt I'll get to...Where do you live?
    Hey, thanks for the add! :D
    Yeah, I love flight of the conchords, they're exactly my kind of humour, the songs are so funny...gotta love The Humans are Dead YouTube - The Humans Are Dead - Full version.
    I didn't find those pics of bret until you posted the ones of jermaine and then I went looking! So cute, lol
    I believe there are quite a few others here that are older. Now I did see someones post awhile back about another forum where the general user base was older but there are a few here. I believe the reason from what i've read is that SAD and such appears much more in the younger crowds than the older, so that may be why. As far as likes going, I wouldn't worry about that all too much...theres hardly anyone here at all that likes any of the same stuff as I do. As far as your friend goes, did you ever write that e-mail you said you had started? C'mon, don't be so sad =/ your posts about thoughts of suicide really scare me and i've been there. Get outta there, thats no place to be.
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