The holidays came and went in a whirlwind as I expected they would. I baked so many cookies and have had so many sweets, I'm already tired of it lol. I tried making old fashioned brown sugar fudge for the first time last week and.... it failed. At least I failed in a good way -- I didn't get it to a high enough temp, and I stirred it too much, so it ended up separating and staying soft. So instead of having to waste it, I ended up turning it into blondies by adding a couple eggs and some flour. Candy and confection making has never been my thing, but I also don't have much practice with it, so I'm not surprised it didn't turn out. I'm just happy I could turn it into something else and didn't have to chuck it.
Christmas morning was nicely spent with Mr. Phoenixx and the furbabies. I spoiled them all this year and Willow had so much fun opening her gifts. I think the cats enjoyed interrupting the gift wrapping process this whole month than what they actually got.

(They got a pack of fuzzy mice and a couple birdie toys) Mr. Phoenixx really likes the soundbar I got him and he dove right into Red Dead Redemption 2. I also got him Assassin's Creed Valhalla, but he hasn't even touched that yet as he's been really enjoying the other. Mr. Phoenixx got me a really nice handmade nightstand, as he knows I'm getting ready to redo the bedroom sometime next year too. Made out of beautiful cherry wood. I want to go to where he purchased it and get another now so we have a pair.
I did have to work later that day, but I was fine with that. It was a busy day, but I got paid holiday time and still made it home before 11pm.
Yesterday we went to my parents' house and did Christmas with them since we were all off from work. It was actually a pretty nice. Didn't feel rushed nor did it feel like an inconvenience for my dad. My dad actually sat with us and talked and had dinner, something he never usually does.
I helped my mom with dinner since her cooking skills have sadly gone downhill the last few years since she pretty much stopped cooking because both my dad and my brother seem to want to eat out all the time. Not saying her food is bad, but it used to be much better when we were kids. Hell my dad's cooking was good too growing up. Now neither one of them can seem to be bothered sadly. But I think everyone was relieved when I stepped in lol.
It was another year spent with my brother not getting a single thing for anyone though due to "not having money". The same excuse he tends to have every year. Even when people are short on money they can always make something. Even if he baked cookies or something and screwed them up, I would be happy to receive it because I know thought and effort got put into it. Last year I didn't even get him anything because of his attitude, but this year I felt I needed to but didn't want to spend a lot, so I got him some slippers. I was expecting him to complain, but he actually really liked them.
Today was really disappointing though. I was supposed to have Christmas with my in-laws and only my brother-in-law and my father-in-law showed. Mr. Phoenixx and I were both a little upset honestly. He had talked to his family again last week about today -- a date we planned a month ago, if the time would still work. His brother ended up having to work today, but would be out in the afternoon, and his work is only 15 mins away, so it was decided to move dinnertime to later in the afternoon instead of earlier. His mom and dad both agreed that that would work. His sister said her husband had to work, so that automatically counted her out despite the fact she could've had a ride here with her kids from her parents. Then today we get told at the last minute only his brother and father were coming because a) his brother's wife was coming down with something and the kids were sick too so she went to go get everyone tested for COVID (completely understandable and I don't blame her; they did a rapid test and everything came back negative thankfully, everyone just has nasty colds) and b) his mom decided at the last minute she didn't feel like going despite agreeing last week.

So we had dinner just the 4 of us today with a ton of leftovers since I originally cooked for 8 people. We opened our gifts and sent all the other gifts home with them to their recipients. Mr. Phoenixx refused to send his sister's family's gifts along and wants to give them to her in person since she never bothers to visit. Petty me didn't send home much food for mother-in-law and I definitely didn't set any aside for sister-in-law's family. I definitely gave brother-in-law quite a bit because I know his wife and the kids would've came if it wasn't for them being sick. I froze the rest of what I had left so we can have dinners to take out on busy nights home late from work. Same for the desserts too. I sent a few cookies and candies home to mother-in-law, but made sure brother-in-law got a nice plate to share with the family and sister-in-law got nothing.
After today I'm done with their wishy-washy BS. I'm no longer going out of my way to do any dinners for his family. We always attend their functions, and even Mr. Phoenixx goes without me if I have to work, but no one can seem to be bothered to do the same for us. So no more. Next year I would love to plan a Friendsgiving again with all our friends as we know they'll plan way ahead to make it work. Pretty sad they live farther away than our families and yet can still make it to things we plan.
Despite that I still had a pretty good holiday. I'm enjoying getting up every morning right now and having breakfast with Mr. Phoenixx and watching TV. Everyday feels like the weekend, even when I have to work.
Edit: Forgot to upload a picture of the cute little reindeer I had in my house Christmas morning.