How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Stressed out cause I need to get my act together. Thesis, exams, and job application.

What I'm doing instead is watch movies (12 movies in 3 days) and eat. **** it!!!


Well-known member
Well, it's ma birthday today. 25 years old, yet am depressed tae the point of indifference about that fact. :sad:

Another year older, another year wiser? Clichéd bollock! :kickingmyself: Yer just another year closer tae death, that's aw, really. Yay!

Ah know, ah shouldnae be feelin' that way... :eek:h:
Happy Birthday Greame.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Happy B-Day Graeme.

Cheers. Ah wasnae exactly lookin' foward tae ma birthday, either. Even if ah do share the same birthday as 2 famous, fellow Scotsmen (Actor Ewan McGregor and AC/DC lead guitarist Angus Young. Aye, that's right! Both Angus and Malcolm Young, and AC/DC's late, legendary original singer Bon Scott are actually Scottish A fun, wee trival fact for ye, there) :bigsmile:

Ah know.. am merely a wealth of useless knowledge: Music, Movie trivia and... Comedy. Beyond thae 3 subjects, ah know sweet f**k all! Am no kiddin' either.

You tellin' me? I'll be 36 this August and I'm not looking forward to it.

Ah know. But then am also Too Young to Feel This Old, by that, ah mean ah've got that jaded, grumpy, cynical, dour, pessimistic view at times. Nane o' that "mature fur his age", bollocks! Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional - that's ma approach tae life!

Though, that said. Dourness, cynicism, misery are what the Scots and Irish do best! Oh... and mass alcohol consumption. F**k liver failure! Drink til ye cannae remember where ye live! An' takin' a piss against the front door of a house that may or may not be yours! :bigsmile:

Anyway... enough incoherent ramblin' fae me fur yin day. Mon noo, gies a break, pal, eh?!
Disclaimer: Only incoherent if this post has been read really quickly in a Scottish accent :sarcastic:


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Pretty much the same way I've felt for the past 6 months... Depressed, isolated, angry, sad hopeless.

Aye, ah've been feelin' that too. Though, ah also feel like a right idiot half the time since ah always tend to make seemingly well thought out decision which usually end up backfiring on me. :sad:


Well-known member
I've actually been feeling great today.
Not sure why...things just seemed nice today.

But now I'm sitting here at one in the morning..
feeling incredibly lonely and disappointed in myself.


Well-known member
I feel rather optimistic today, been thinking about a few things i may want to steps heheh.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Ah feel like am gonnae snap. :kickingmyself: All this increasingly stressful pressure to do things am no exactly comfortable with. Ah hate how family put aw this pressure on me. :sad: But ah cannae say "No" without feel like am being ungrateful in some way... Ah just want it tae end. :crying: Ah cannae take it anymair. Confidence isnae ma strong point. And it doesnae exactly help that am the one that gets taken advantage of, and occassionally mocked for speakin' ma mind - or just expressing how ah feel. That doesnae exactly make me feel confident about maself - being laugh at. :idontknow: Ah feel like ah should just give up...


Well-known member
Ah feel like am gonnae snap. :kickingmyself: All this increasingly stressful pressure to do things am no exactly comfortable with. Ah hate how family put aw this pressure on me. :sad: But ah cannae say "No" without feel like am being ungrateful in some way... Ah just want it tae end. :crying: Ah cannae take it anymair. Confidence isnae ma strong point. And it doesnae exactly help that am the one that gets taken advantage of, and occassionally mocked for speakin' ma mind - or just expressing how ah feel. That doesnae exactly make me feel confident about maself - being laugh at. :idontknow: Ah feel like ah should just give up...
I'm sorry Graeme, what are you being pressured to do?
I've actually been feeling great today.
Not sure why...things just seemed nice today.

But now I'm sitting here at one in the morning..
feeling incredibly lonely and disappointed in myself.
I'm sorry, hope you feel better soon. That's really not a nice feeling.
I feel rather optimistic today, been thinking about a few things i may want to steps heheh.
That's great and good luck with whatever you plan to do.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I'm sorry Graeme, what are you being pressured to do?

Just under constant pressure from ma oldest sister tae get outta the house more; and be more confident and sociable. And she says "Yer gonnae do it or else... only jokin'" - that's verbatim, by the way. Aye, very funny. Ye should do stand-up comedy! :eek:h:

She says she's just tryin' to help, yet ah feel she treated t he same way ma dad used. Doesn't care about what ah think, doesnae like being disagreed with, always has tae get her own way. Can't take "No" for an answer!

As ah said, it's hard tae huv confidence in yerself when yer no taken seriously most o' the time. :idontknow: