Let's discuss your outlook on the Illuminati


Well-known member
When I say Illuminati I mean like who its just represented by like threw presidents simply throwing up a hand sign same with celebrities. Its hard for me to explain things, Im mainly just talking about Masons and just subliminal messages around everywhere.. Just people involved, I didn't really have anything specific I wanted to know or was asking, I just wanted to know what you guys think about the subject in general whatever outlook you have on it, everyones is different


Well-known member
Re: I won't post the inside sleeve


The one with the beard and sunglasses looks especially shady.::p:

Illuminati, Freemasons, Skulls, Shriners, meh, who cares. The big corporations found the easy way to control the world, without hidden messages and such. Just pay millions of dollars in "campaign contributions" to buy all the politicians and voila, you control the world.


Well-known member


Okay, you got me!
I'm also not 23 or agoraphobic, either.
psst!! I'm not even a girl!

I'm a unicorn.

:eek:! You've been lying to us Weirdy?! The leader has been in our midst the entire time::p:! Well, now, I've got to hunt you down Weirdy:rolleyes:.

But, first, may I ask: what's it like being a unicorn?


Well-known member
I have not read his work, I'll definitely be looking into thou :)
But I agree with u,

It is very controversial and it is almost guaranteed you will hear one of his ideas and mock him without reading what he has to say. That is how the majority of people react and how I did initially until I actually sat down and read what he had to say.

Feathers, I was merely using Jersey Shore as an example. Anything on TV keeps people distracted from the truth. Sports, politics, religion, sex, and anything else that will keep our attention off of what is going on in the world and who is really running the show. I know how controversial this topic is so I won't go into it in detail. Dan Brown talks briefly about the illuminati in his books I think but it is hardly a good description of what is being talked about in this thread. Look up any documentary by Alex Jones or go to Infowars.com if you are truly interested in finding out. It is quite interesting to me.


Well-known member
Re: I won't post the inside sleeve

The one with the beard and sunglasses looks especially shady.::p:

Illuminati, Freemasons, Skulls, Shriners, meh, who cares. The big corporations found the easy way to control the world, without hidden messages and such. Just pay millions of dollars in "campaign contributions" to buy all the politicians and voila, you control the world.

I like your outlook :D


Well-known member
Re: I won't post the inside sleeve

The one with the beard and sunglasses looks especially shady.::p:

Illuminati, Freemasons, Skulls, Shriners, meh, who cares. The big corporations found the easy way to control the world, without hidden messages and such. Just pay millions of dollars in "campaign contributions" to buy all the politicians and voila, you control the world.

It is funny you mention the Skull and Bones and Freemasons as the CEO's of these corporations you say control the world are members of these elite clubs. I for one do care.


Well-known member
Re: I won't post the inside sleeve

It is funny you mention the Skull and Bones and Freemasons as the CEO's of these corporations you say control the world are members of these elite clubs. I for one do care.

Well I guess I should say I do care, I just don't worry. I believe in just about all the conspiracies


Well-known member
Re: I won't post the inside sleeve

Well I guess I should say I do care, I just don't worry. I believe in just about all the conspiracies

I don't worry either but I do acknowledge it exists. I also acknowledge that those who mock people who believe these things are what Orwell described as the "thought police" and are playing into the system that enslaves them.


Well-known member
Re: I won't post the inside sleeve

I don't worry either but I do acknowledge it exists. I also acknowledge that those who mock people who believe these things are what Orwell described as the "thought police" and are playing into the system that enslaves them.

(they can see what we post here - i don't want to take any chances)
The illuminati has been going on for many years and to me the conspiracy sounds ridiculous. I mean the music today controls the mind of children and teenagers? Just wow. I use to listen to Justin Bieber but not anymore because I had enough of his songs. I wasn't mind controlled from Justin Bieber


Well-known member
If the Illuminati are real and they supposedly control everything, why aren't all those that try to expose them dead yet?


Well-known member
If the Illuminati are real and they supposedly control everything, why aren't all those that try to expose them dead yet?

Well, whenever someone divulges information about something serious- we'd expect them to be hunted down and killed secretly; but then we'd know they were telling the truth.
By letting them be, it seems more likely that they're just crazy.
But that's what they want you to think!

See? Makes perfect sense!
...or maybe they are just crazy?
Wow, I need to get out more. I had not even heard of Illuminati until I just read through this thread ::eek:: I have heard about the Freemasons, so is it like that?

....*googles Illuminati*


Well-known member
Well, whenever someone divulges information about something serious- we'd expect them to be hunted down and killed secretly; but then we'd know they were telling the truth.
By letting them be, it seems more likely that they're just crazy.
But that's what they want you to think!

See? Makes perfect sense!
...or maybe they are just crazy?

Oh i see! i guess im playing right into their hands then :D


Staff member
My dad is a mason so that makes him one! I wondered why he was swallowing live guinea pigs whole!



Well-known member
I've researched and pondered all sorts of shadow politics and mysteries

yet for all the tin-hats crying Galileo, I've yet to find one that could withstand Hanlon's razor.
My dad is a mason so that makes him one! I wondered why he was swallowing live guinea pigs whole!



Though I'm not well versed on the Illuminati and the like, I find it all fascinating. They have documentaries about them on the History Channel all the time. I love watching them.