How are you feeling?

Depressed. No need to post that everyday though, I guess. Some things never change...

Have been told that the more things change the more they stay the same. Ah, sorry, that doesn't help at all.

To counter my unhelpfullness, please, speak your mind. Whether to repeat or something new. Sure I ... we don't mind.
Terrible. School starts again tomorrow...
It's 10:40 pm... I have to get up at 7:30 am... That's 8 hours and 50 minutes before I have to go to school.
Yes, I calculate the time before I have to go to school every night.

Huh, weird. I found a pair of sunglasses and decided to put them on. Immediately I felt more at easy and patient. Perhaps much frustration I've felt lately came from tired eyes.

I noticed this because I decided to walk blind around the house. For fun. Don't ask. x3
But that also felt better right away. I've never had trouble with vision itself, it has always been light that caused trouble.

I feel nice at the moment. And reading isn't as much as an ordeal as it was before. Awesome. =3
Terrible. School starts again tomorrow...
It's 10:40 pm... I have to get up at 7:30 am... That's 8 hours and 50 minutes before I have to go to school.
Yes, I calculate the time before I have to go to school every night.


Yeah.. I did that as a student too. Dreaded many aspects of school.