fife_girl what's up with you??!!
I thought we've been through that already??!! :

We'd all miss you horribly here!!
And no one here has it 'all figured out', even in RL most people are pretty clueless!!
If your family is giving you a hard time, can you move elsewhere? Or at least get a vacation at a friend's place or somewhere nice?
Everybody feels sucky on Sunday morning.. /sigh/
At least I do, sigh..
Does your family want you to go to religious things?
Some people can be very clueless about feeling sucky and depression and such and think if only you 'embrace God' all will be better.. (Sometimes it can help, but I think not for all people..)
Please hang in there and find help, even if your family is clueless you can get help elsewhere!!
Slomotion don't you try imitate Hemingway either!! (That man wrote boring books, you can write better!!)