How is your progress so far in terms of overcoming social anxiety


Well-known member
How is your progress so far in terms of overcoming social anxiety? Are you guys 50% recovered or 75%...?

Me personally I still have a long way to go but so far I'm having a bit of progress. I also improved on my way of thinking and I no longer have as much automatic maladaptive thoughts as I did back then.


I dont think I will ever recover fully although I have learned a lot about my thoughts and distorted thinking patterns. Unless I can feel like someone actually cares about me and likes being around me I will probably just end up just not caring, or become bitter and despondent. My core beliefs are far too ingrained into my person to be completely comfortable with myself and the world I inhabit


Well-known member
ive been told ive overcome alot, but nothing feels any different. its hard to put a percetage on my progress because i just cant see woods through the trees. maybe 5% better?. :)


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I dont know how much recovery in a scale but I find many thinks are getting easier to do :D and I dont think in the same way or not much as I did witch helps alot


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I have made zero progress. I can do things now that I couldn't do even one to two years ago, but they have no impact on my social anxiety. I've been in therapy & seeing a psychiatrist for almost three years now, but it hasn't been much help at all.


Well-known member
i gave up trying to fight it, it's not working at all. I'm trying to change my life to be in more comfortable situation as possible


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A couple of years ago, I was doing so much better. I joined a few group clubs and even though I was not comfortable all the time, I managed to attend every single meeting. So I guess back then I was at 50%. Then something really bad happened and I went back to 0%. I'm slowly trying to get to where I was. I think I might be at 5% Now ::p:

Lost Girl

Well-known member
Not good. I'm as anti-social now as ever. I don't want to see anyone outside of my home. It is my own fault that I am not progressing, as I've done nothing to push myself into getting better. Life is hard and stressful for me right now. I wish I could just stop time and chill out for a while!


Well-known member
I would say I have about 40% left to go. I've done some very good progress recently, thanks to seeking out help and working on facing my fears and some self-help books. A couple monthes ago, I would say it was at 60-70%... it's been a long and hard fight with me... I've been fighting it since I was 14... i'm 23 now, so 9 years! It's definately worth it though


Well-known member
I agree with most on here, I don't think complete recovery is possible. If it was, would you really want to completely alter yourself? I think for better or worse, my identity has a lot to do with sa... and I actually proud about most things about myself. That said, secluding myself for weeks at a time is also not healthy, so "recovery" to me is somewhere between the guy who never shuts up(I will never be that person), and a complete recluse... I would say 30% recovery... still a long way to go but seeing progress.
It's hard to say.. Mostly because I've been improving before I even knew I had social phobia. It was an agonizing process, but it learned me allot of alternative ways of living with it.

It's odd, sometimes I feel as if I'm at the end of my healing process (Most of the time it's a short delusion period of euphoria, but still.), but I still haven't even fully accepted that I have social phobia yet.

To answer your question, I don't have a clue! x3
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How is your progress so far in terms of overcoming social anxiety? Are you guys 50% recovered or 75%...?

Me personally I still have a long way to go but so far I'm having a bit of progress. I also improved on my way of thinking and I no longer have as much automatic maladaptive thoughts as I did back then.

You read Dying of Embarrassment?

I've made a lot of progress. Sometimes I remember how difficult it was for me to do even the tiniest of things but I'm doing much better now. I still have a ways to go but things are getting better for sure and that's encouraging. I have setbacks but I know I can handle and continue on the path to recovery.


Well-known member
I've made some improvements in my talking skills, but I have regressed badly in terms of intrusive thoughts...I still obsess about someone, and the amount of time I obsess about her has been steadily climbing. I probably think about her almost ALL day every day now...unhealthy.


Well-known member
I've made progress with the social anxiety. I don't know how much percentage it would be, but I'm getting to the point where I just don't care what people think. Which has helped it greatly!

I guess changing your thoughts and not caring about what others think has a great impact of getting rid of SA.


Well-known member
I have improved in the last two or three years; now I don't have the fear of stepping outside my house that I used to have (I still don't go out much, only from home to work and from work to home and sometimes I take long walks), now I can approach strangers in the street when I need to ask someone for a favor, I don't get nervous in ordinary situations like in the line at the supermarket or when I have to go somewhere to buy something and I have to talk to someone. Maybe this improvement is due to the fact that in my job I have to face large groups of people everyday so these ordinary situations don't seem so scary anymore.
I am still unable to connect to anyone on a personal level though, so I don't have any friends or a girlfriend.