How is your progress so far in terms of overcoming social anxiety


Well-known member
I have improved in the last two or three years; now I don't have the fear of stepping outside my house that I used to have (I still don't go out much, only from home to work and from work to home and sometimes I take long walks), now I can approach strangers in the street when I need to ask someone for a favor, I don't get nervous in ordinary situations like in the line at the supermarket or when I have to go somewhere to buy something and I have to talk to someone. Maybe this improvement is due to the fact that in my job I have to face large groups of people everyday so these ordinary situations don't seem so scary anymore.
I am still unable to connect to anyone on a personal level though, so I don't have any friends or a girlfriend.

Same here :D


Well-known member
My anxiety has come leaps and bounds in the last few years.

In terms of depression, the black dog, it's still lingering and something that has taken so much from me and follows me around. It's a feeling I haven't been able to shake for a long time.


Well-known member
I went in for an interview today to do voluntary work at oxfam and they said come back monday for an induction.


Well-known member
I have improved in the last two or three years; now I don't have the fear of stepping outside my house that I used to have (I still don't go out much, only from home to work and from work to home and sometimes I take long walks), now I can approach strangers in the street when I need to ask someone for a favor, I don't get nervous in ordinary situations like in the line at the supermarket or when I have to go somewhere to buy something and I have to talk to someone. Maybe this improvement is due to the fact that in my job I have to face large groups of people everyday so these ordinary situations don't seem so scary anymore.
I am still unable to connect to anyone on a personal level though, so I don't have any friends or a girlfriend.

I couldn't have said it better myself Tuco. Everything you said also applies to me. I have seen improvements in the last year or so. Just like you, I don't have any friends or a girlfriend (never had at age 25) and I still haven't connected with anyone on a personal level. It's still too hard to open up like that.


Well-known member
thought i was doing really well, ha knew it was to good to be true! i overcame loads of fears all at once, learnt to drive, went to busy places ide avoided, allsorts of stuff! then bang depression and im back to the beggining....... 0 percent


Well-known member
Well, I thought it was progressing, but what I've been feeling these last 2 weeks, I'd say I haven't improved at all. :/


Well-known member
Wow I have no clue how to measure it ;/
I think I went from 50% recovered back down to hmmm.. say, 3%. And that 3% is simply knowing exactly the path to take to get back to 50%! I think I might have put myself back down at 0ish% simply because then I'd be able to stoop in my comfort zone while at the same time being able to think I can get out whenever I want. Raaaaaaaaamlingsorry
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^ I rather look at it as several small processes going from 0- to 100% then one single process. It's so daunting in it's entirety. :x

Not to mention it's difficult to really estimate just because there's no solid way of measuring it. Perhaps a percentage isn't quite the most efficient way to look at it. Hm.


Well-known member
we're supposed to progress?

I thought we were just supposed to live in hate, because the rest of the world isn't the way we want it to be

and then wonder why we're miserable

maybe I've been reading the wrong threads
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It's hard to judge where I am. My feeling before today was that I was 50%-75% there, but that was not based on reality. That was based on living a hermit-like lifestyle and not challenging my boundaries. I feel less anxiety because I'm avoiding it very successfully, but if I actually have to do something like I did today then i can see that I'm still far, far away from overcoming anything.

The difference between now and 20 years ago is that now I know that I can get and keep a job, and that I can attract women (even if only for a short time) and if I avoid certain situations I don't get panic attacks... so I do avoid them.

When I am anxious, I can manage it better and the symptoms are less than they used to be.

Actual progress: 10%?


Well-known member
Not much progress really, I am doing more than I used to, but really, the problems are just being masked, because I am still facing the same obstacles that I used to, nothing's really changed.

A l a n

Active member
I've come a long way since a year ago and I have to attribute this to university life. I've met more people than I could've ever imagined in these couple of months, and as a result, I'm no longer anxious about social situations. On the other hand, I'm still struggling quite a bit with public speaking, job interviews, and so on. :)


Well-known member
It's hard, i was actually getting better then for some unknown reason i started with panic attacks so now im back down again. But im having CBT which will hopefully help more :)
Gd luck to everyone out there trying to overcome SP not easy at all