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Playing eternal sonata and valkyrie chronicles and valkyrie profile.The last boss of valkyrie profile is really hard and now im all frustrated lol.Also valkyer chronicles might be broken cos weird stuff keeps happening ingame that shouldnt.Anyone else playing professor layton? I love that series:D.Gonna get pokemon gold soon too for the holidays


Well-known member
FFVII PC version is way better than the emulator IMO. You can edit almost anything.





That's pretty kool. There were mods/skins like that back when I played but they weren't as advanced as this one. Also, they were buggy. I didn't use any mods when I played because of that. I guess the PC version is a little better looking than the PS1 version.


Well-known member
Is it Ultima or non-Ultima?

Ultima. Nobody really knows what the Ultima is though. I think it's just a pack that someone created which includes the official version of FFVII with all the sounds of the game, some pictures, and the patches that let you play on Windows XP.


Well-known member
I just finished FF XIII. Why I bothered to finish this boring, pointless game, I don't know, but I sure know the disc won't be getting inserted ever again!


Well-known member
I just finished FF XIII. Why I bothered to finish this boring, pointless game, I don't know, but I sure know the disc won't be getting inserted ever again!

What did you find boring about it? Gameplay, story, characters?

Like me for example, I think FFXII is the worst FF because the story and characters are some of the worst in modern video game history, but I liked the gameplay.


Well-known member
What did you find boring about it? Gameplay, story, characters?

Like me for example, I think FFXII is the worst FF because the story and characters are some of the worst in modern video game history, but I liked the gameplay.

because you pretty much always do the same thing over and over again: cutscene ---) fight ----) move foward, put that in any order that you want but i basically spoiled the whole game.

I like the game but because i found the boss fight challenging and the storyline is decent. FF XII didn't feel like a FF but it has the best gameplay in the series with a lot of things to do. FFXIII feels like a final fantasy, has good gameplay but u always do the same thing. It's really not for everyone and i doubt i'll replay it after i finished it


Well-known member
I found the battles very repetitive and generally just felt more of a movie than a game. There was no adventure to it. To me the game didn't change at all, it just dragged on and on with a cycle of long cutsences, non-strategic fights, and unattractive settings.


Well-known member
I found the battles very repetitive and generally just felt more of a movie than a game. There was no adventure to it. To me the game didn't change at all, it just dragged on and on with a cycle of long cutsences, non-strategic fights, and unattractive settings.

This makes sense.. I've heard review after review slagging it off for its crazy linearity. I may still give it a try when it drops in price - though I did not like 12 one bit.


Well-known member
Ultima. Nobody really knows what the Ultima is though. I think it's just a pack that someone created which includes the official version of FFVII with all the sounds of the game, some pictures, and the patches that let you play on Windows XP.

PC version? Non Emulator?
how does that work?
How many games are that way?

I've only played FF from 9 up, I really want to play what everyone calls the best! :D


Well-known member
I found the battles very repetitive and generally just felt more of a movie than a game. There was no adventure to it. To me the game didn't change at all, it just dragged on and on with a cycle of long cutsences, non-strategic fights, and unattractive settings.

non strategic fights? I disagree i found that they were quite challenging, it's the only FF that i actually had to think to kill a boss because of the cheap deaths, but for the rest i agree.

but rejoice square heard the world wide complains and they are are not gonna do the same thing for FF versus XIII


Well-known member
I really should try getting the final fantasy games haha ive never played any of them but it seems like my kind of thing lol although the old ones on the NES look a bit meh (Although I do like a lot of retro games) which one do you think I should start with? VII onwards?


Well-known member
I really should try getting the final fantasy games haha ive never played any of them but it seems like my kind of thing lol although the old ones on the NES look a bit meh (Although I do like a lot of retro games) which one do you think I should start with? VII onwards?

should start with VIII, I think. I started with it too


Well-known member
I really should try getting the final fantasy games haha ive never played any of them but it seems like my kind of thing lol although the old ones on the NES look a bit meh (Although I do like a lot of retro games) which one do you think I should start with? VII onwards?

Well, VII and VIII, that's for sure. The order you should play them? That's for you to decide. Your first Final Fantasy game is always special and it stays engraved inside of you. If you like the kind of stories about the world in the brink of destruction and dark storytelling, then go for FFVII. If you like a more character-driven story with romance and kool cut scenes, then go for FFVIII. The music is good in both, the gameplay is good in both, the characters are kool in both. I personally started with VIII, then played VII and X after.


Well-known member
You're gonna get alot of mixed reactions as everyone has their favs etc. which won't work for you. Just pick one that's easiest for you in terms of what consoles you own. My first FF was FF X which got me into the series and RPGs in general.