easier being female


Everyone is humping everyone, In the next century a new form of sexual disease worst than AIDs and HIV will inflict mankind, and all will be lost. So keep that wanger in its hanger, and that front door close. Amen. :D


Well-known member
hehehe you must very smart to think that way! because that's absolutely right!
for us, men , it's harder to live with social phobia, beacuse men are always expected to make the first move ! if they can't they will stay lonely and be the odd ones out !
this is not fair, women should make the first move as well !! where is the equality between men and women ?!! hhh
the man is regarded as a person with strong personality ! unfortunatly we , people with SA, are not the case!


Well-known member
I guess it works both ways though. Quiet girls are attracted to quiet guys. Doesn't work well because neither side is open to confronting the other! But really, I'm not lying! There are girls out there who are avoiding the loud, obnoxious 'bad boy' and would rather have a nice, why guy.

I totally agree with that. I personally prefer a shy guy. Of the few I’ve met I’ve felt more comfortable and I tend to relate better with a guy like that.


Guys, can't have problems, or at least show them because there is the belief that only women can have problems. Since men cannot have problems if they ever DO have problems, most of them automatically stuff it down (along with their emotions) and don't really get to solve their problems because they deny that they even have a problem! To have a problem, also means to be rejected by the female species, and also the support of society withdrawn because a male with problems is known as "weak" and "sissy" and "female" and "scum". Demoralized and demonized.

So to have a problem means death or non-existence. All the way down to the genetic level, it means, pure and total non-existence.

Even if you don't have a problem, but are simply seen as weak.. all of society follows along like sheep, as well as the women, and that means death is not far off.

At least that goes for problems that are not readily or easily solved. Ie any problem you can't do much about.

Even if you can... while you have it, you are worth nothing, until you solve everything, or a woman can have faith in you. That woman's faith in you can make all of society look your way, but the moment she turns her back, and gives you the cold shoulder all of society, and all the way down to the cellular level, and your own cells... instinctually, reject you.
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Well-known member
At last a female who has a male's viewpoint!

I was once told by a girl that i was a wimp for being shy and that only females could be shy!

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
yeah i guess childbirth would be hard for a shy female. i imagine one of the people handin the doctor a blind fold before labor, saying "dont you dare look! just grab and pull!" cause you really want people to see what you look like split open with half a baby hanging out, like an alien vs predator movie. yum


yeah i guess childbirth would be hard for a shy female. i imagine one of the people handin the doctor a blind fold before labor, saying "dont you dare look! just grab and pull!" cause you really want people to see what you look like split open with half a baby hanging out, like an alien vs predator movie. yum

Thanks for the imagery, that's some good old nightmare fuel lol.


Well-known member
True. Girls are stereotypically weaker, are allowed to cry, have fears, can expect to find someone who will protect them, etc. But guys are expected to be the leaders, be strong, responsible, confident... And SA just makes us look even more like a bunch of losers.


Well-known member
Probably right it is harder for men, but then I thought a lot of woman were supposed to be attracted to the strong silent type.
Buried Alive

Umm, I don't really understand the comparison? I mean maybe, but how are you suppose to weigh out the problems. It's not like there's a scale of that measures the weight of problems that come with being either male or female. It's not like it'd be the same for each person either. I'm sure there's certain aspects of it which are harder, like appearing weak, and fearful and whatever.

Maybe I just don't think how you are comparing such a large group of people to eachother. Plus it's not like you've been both male and female (I think), so how do you personally know what the difference is?

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
Re: Buried Alive

Umm, I don't really understand the comparison? I mean maybe, but how are you suppose to weigh out the problems. It's not like there's a scale of that measures the weight of problems that come with being either male or female. It's not like it'd be the same for each person either. I'm sure there's certain aspects of it which are harder, like appearing weak, and fearful and whatever.

Maybe I just don't think how you are comparing such a large group of people to eachother. Plus it's not like you've been both male and female (I think), so how do you personally know what the difference is?

i intended the thread to be about the relationship between social anxiety and gender roles, if that makes sense

different behaviours are expected from each gender, so that would make social anxiety in a man a different experience than that of a socially anxious female.

maybe we should ask tiresias

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
this is random and silly, but when ever i hear people go on about how women were oppressed and they were kept in the kitchen, barefoot and all that, i think damn! if id been born into that, id of never even have to acknowledge having these problems at all, aside from depression maybe. course you might end up hitched with someone you hate i guess. i know its really silly and probably wouldnt be any better. still its a funny thought.


Well-known member
Is there any way to have a shy but not passive guy? I like guys who let girls initiate the convo or ask them out, but I dont want a guy who would let me walk all over them. I think when girls think of shy guys, they think of quiet doormats.. letting people use and abuse them.


Well-known member
Ever heard of hysteria? Women were made subjugated by the belief that they were so emotionally fragile. It wasn't a boon at all.

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
Ever heard of hysteria? Women were made subjugated by the belief that they were so emotionally fragile. It wasn't a boon at all.

oh yeah i understand you, the "yellow wall paper" is a good short story about that. not all women went nuts before women's rights though. really there were a lot of mixed opinons in ye olden days about whether women where either substandard, different, or the other half. i think! i wouldnt mind being considered lower at all if in exchange i could be left to my own devices, i know alot of people would disagree though.

really its just a random thought, this isnt meant to be serious!
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Well-known member
From my own experience, I must disagree.

Men are seen as mysterious when shy, being misinterpreted as stony and strong. When girls are shy, at least for me, it's interpreted as stuck-up. People give me looks when they ask me something because I mumble and look down. I've heard co-workers call me a bitch before, and my crush even called me, "emotionless and cold" because I have problems smiling, and my voice is rather monotone.

"Emotionless and cold" is tolerated in men, and is seen as strength.. Not so in women.