Guys, can't have problems, or at least show them because there is the belief that only women can have problems. Since men cannot have problems if they ever DO have problems, most of them automatically stuff it down (along with their emotions) and don't really get to solve their problems because they deny that they even have a problem! To have a problem, also means to be rejected by the female species, and also the support of society withdrawn because a male with problems is known as "weak" and "sissy" and "female" and "scum". Demoralized and demonized.
So to have a problem means death or non-existence. All the way down to the genetic level, it means, pure and total non-existence.
Even if you don't have a problem, but are simply seen as weak.. all of society follows along like sheep, as well as the women, and that means death is not far off.
At least that goes for problems that are not readily or easily solved. Ie any problem you can't do much about.
Even if you can... while you have it, you are worth nothing, until you solve everything, or a woman can have faith in you. That woman's faith in you can make all of society look your way, but the moment she turns her back, and gives you the cold shoulder all of society, and all the way down to the cellular level, and your own cells... instinctually, reject you.