Autism Spectrum Quotient - self test!

My score on AQ Test is 42, and on Aspie Quiz I performed:
Your Aspie score: 168 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 34 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie

I am indeed an Aspie.
On AQ Test it means - the lower score, more 'normal' you are. Higher it is - higher the possibility of having AS or any ASD. But the questions are so broad that you could interpret them as nothing more than being highly introverted, shy or just prefer to be alone and being more detail-oriented, even if it is made by an Autism Research Institute. These tests are definitely different than actual diagnostic tools, because having an ASD means that it covers more areas and characteristics than just how it represents in social context or something.
On Aspie Quiz it means that if you get more neurotypical score, you're leaning more towards 'normal', if you have higher aspie score, it means you're more 'asperger-like', and if you get both quite equal, it means you just have characteristics of both equally and nothing's wrong with you, just are a bit more 'aspie-like' than typical.
But I do not give much to these tests at all, because they are just for checking if you could have similar characteristics or for fun, not for serious means.
Indeed, they are great for fun tho ::p:

Anyway, don't try to diagnose yourself with this and don't get confused because of this kind of tests, you the best know who you are and for diagnosis there are people like various specialists who can make it, and it is just for fun or further discovery and nothing more, if anyone is thinking about having AS because of the results.


tests like this completely depend on how honest you are with yourself and how much insight you have. I am skeptical of any results from them.

...that said I got a 25.


Well-known member
27 points. I guess I may have a half-case of autism? These tests can be so easily manipulated, so I don't know how accurate this is.


Well-known member
Your score: 30

0 - 10 = low
11 - 22 = average (most women score about 15 and most men score about 17)
23 - 31 = above average
32 - 50 is very high (most people with Asperger Syndrome or high-functioning autism score about 35)
50 is maximum


I was turned off by the first question: unless it defines what "things" are this is useless.

I don't believe in these tests in general because of their ambiguity; the questions are always lacking specificity so that they can be answered with certainty, and accurately.

You are not right at all, the test is excellent. Just needs to apply common sense. As for the first question, "I prefer to do things with others rather than on my own", what they meant is simply if you are a "group person" or rather a loner who does everything (= most things) by himself, like going out by himself, study by himself etc. Some people are very sociable, like to go to party, have large family gatherings etc. Some prefer to be on their own. The question certainly didn´t mean if you like to go to the toilett on your own or with group, or if you prefer to solve some complicated specialist tasks - which only you understand - on your own or with people :).

Similar with other questions. Loners generally will prefer going to library than to go to see some entertainment, am I not right? Sometimes they might prefer the entertainment, but most times they will not. The questions was meant for what would most times apply.

Btw this thread should be stickied because there seem to be a lot of people with autistic spectrum disorder, but thinking they just have "social phobia".


Well-known member
I remember taking this test a couple years back when this thread started and I got a 41. I retook it now and I got a 36. Sweet, I suppose in another 20 years I will be autism free.


This was exactly my point, Lea: when you went explaining things to me, you had to provide some illustrating examples that represent your version of the definition.. it's still your version. Now I've become even more confused about how do I define the word "like" too, and so on.

And as if it was just an easy job to figure all that out, the test goes further on to provide you with a whole four shades of opinions expressing how strongly do you agree. Isn't that just imprecise? honestly speaking are you sure you can pick up the same choices again if you have come back to this test after sometime later?

I have also noticed that the significant answers are quite obvious. I know this would be inevitable so I just hope it won't be very swaying.

Well, what we would conclude is that there is a need to an expert who can polish the results and come out with an accurate judgment. And if we are going to do it ourselves we should be very wise in evaluating each significant element in these tests. Otherwise we end up using it as a confirmation tool for people who are already diagnosed, while doubting the rest of the results we intended to use in the first place as a useful tool for diagnosis.

Basil I think there is no point arguing with you because clearly you're more interested in smart assing than having sincere interest in the test. If your pride wasn't in the way, you'd have no problem to do it, maybe just for fun and see what you get. That would give you a rough idea about if you have AS or not, you don't have to be military about one or 2 points but if you get anything above 30 it is a strong indicator that you have autistic traits. As for the "shades", jesus what do you expect it is just a test. As you see the results are also in ranges. But it gives you a pretty good general idea. I have AS myself and know my result here wasn't a coincidence. It's for example generally known that we're bad at multitasking (doing or following more things at once), making up stories, we prefer to do things over and over again, we're not "group" people, we're bad at working out people's intentions, getting cues, sometimes when someone's joking we don't know if they're joking or being serious, bore people by talking not knowing when they had enough :D, we're being polite whereas people think we're rude :cool: etc.

32 - 50 is very high (most people with Asperger Syndrome or high-functioning autism score about 35)

Wow , I scored really high o_O