Angry or sad?


Well-known member
When you're upset about life, do you get angry or sad? I tend to be very angry about whatever situation is upsetting me, even if a "normal" reaction would be to be sad. I also outwardly blame others, even though I usually feel like whatever's happening is my fault.


Well-known member
I think it is a mix of both. Anger doesn't help me sometimes I have a quick temper and get feisty (meow (''') ). A lot of the times I am scared to show my anger because I'm afraid of the reactions so it ends up being sadness. I find that keeping to myself = less consequences.


Well-known member
I'm always sad, I very rarely get angry. I blame myself, not others, as almost always it's my fault (because I'm cool like that).

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
Sad mostly I guess. It's hard not to feel a little angry - I think that's a natural response that most people have to some degree - but ultimately who or what are you going to be angry at? If anything, it tends to manifest as more of a feeling of numbness or hopelessness rather than sadness or anger for me.


Well-known member
My emotions have gone in patterns. Once I turned 13, I'd get angry all the time. At 18, it started to be a combination of angry and sad, but mostly angry. Nowadays I don't really "freak out" about situations I can't control anymore. If I become stressed, it's either completely internal or an appropriate amount of anger or sadness.


Well-known member
sad most of the time but the only trouble is I don`t know how to show my emotions to other people so most people think I am angry when I am just sad.


Well-known member
Sadness, mostly. If something is supposed to anger me (e.g. rising petrol prices), it'll end up just making me sad (another way families are struggling).


Usually sad. I feel sad pretty much all the time.
I dont get angry often - I am slow to anger - but I guess I do have a tendency to get confused and annoyed a bit fairly often.

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
Both. I get angry, then I get sad. Or I will feel sad, then get angry. I also get irritated quite easily which just leads to my becoming angry. I fear I will get a stroke one of these days...


Well-known member
I'm definitely more sad than angry, but I also have a lot of suppressed anger that comes out sometimes. I used to really scare myself with how angry I could get, but recently I've been better at expressing myself rather than burying everything and having it boil over.
Sad. Rarely angry- even when I should probably be. Maybe because when I was younger (like under 10) I would get angry, but the way I expressed it (beating up my siblings) was inappropriate- so I somehow made a subconscious decision to never get angry. And for the most part, I don't. On the rare occasions that I do get a little angry, it just manifests as frustration/sadness, because I don't ever feel like I can do anything about it.