Why are you depressed at the moment?


Well-known member
I thought it would be nice to start a thread so that we could explain what it is that is possibly bugging us, or making us feel a little down or very upset. So just state what it is that is making you feel depressed.

For me at the moment it is my lack of a social life (or any life for that matter, coz I'm so bored), and the fact that I am very self conscious about the way I look, and I can't change anything. ::(:


Well-known member
I get overwhelmed by the amount of clutter - mental, emotional, physical - that I have accumulated.

My first inclination is to avoid dealing with it

Which is why it's there to begin with



Well-known member
Spent the last four days cleaning out the house I lived in for 4 years till recently with my wife and daughter, we seperated a few months back. Four years of my life passed though my hands in four days and straight into a skip...
Didn't keep a single thing, couldn't bear having anything around me that would make me remember anything...
Feel so alone now.


Well-known member
I get overwhelmed by the amount of clutter - mental, emotional, physical - that I have accumulated.

Definitely don't have that problem anymore, does feel cleansing mentally and physically to wipe the slate clean and start again with nothing...


Well-known member
Definitely don't have that problem anymore, does feel cleansing mentally and physically to wipe the slate clean and start again with nothing...

yeah - I need someone to come and clean me out in the dead of night

just leave me the laptop

and the beer in the fridge


Pirate from the North Pole
Every single thing in my life is collapsing right now, and that would be way easier to deal with if I didn't also have to deal with everyone around me that I'm making unhappy by failing in everything. In fact, that is the thing that makes me depressed. I can stand having to rebuild everything around me, but I cannot stand to fail people.


Well-known member
I'd be lying if I said I knew why. Sure I have things that I would rather change but I really have no idea anymore if these are the reasons I'm depressed or if it's something else. Depression is such a complex thing I'll probably never know.


Well-known member
Every single thing in my life is collapsing right now, and that would be way easier to deal with if I didn't also have to deal with everyone around me that I'm making unhappy by failing in everything. In fact, that is the thing that makes me depressed. I can stand having to rebuild everything around me, but I cannot stand to fail people.

Its a common trait with us SA's to want to please everyone and to not fail anyone, but its also common for us to exaggerate our failings within our own minds. I read some of your posts and you seem very insightful and helpful, kinda makes me think you couldn't be failing people as much as you think...


I'm depressed for a lot reasons,the main one being I have Chronic depression and it's always a constant battle to not give in to it and let it consume me.

Other reasons are just because I am not happy with where I am in life right now or the person I am.I have come far and won a lot of battles but I still have a long way to go.I know I'm the only one who can change my life and it won't fix itself,but it's still hard to get the motivation sometimes.I try my best to leave the past where it belongs but at the same time some wounds are hard to heal.

And because my life feels so empty and lonely,I don't have hardly any Family or friends.And I really crave companionship and people to share life with.Though I hope once I work on my other issues,this might fall into place by itself.


I feel like no one really likes me. Every time I open my mouth I feel like I am saying something wrong or I am doing something to offend and annoy others. I am incredibly paranoid and unsure of everything that I do. I feel inferior and that I am simply not good enough. I feel ungraceful and sense that most people dont want anything to do with me because there is just some thing "off" about me.


Well-known member
I'm still upset about the way my boyfriend's mom treats him. She doesn't seem to understand that she's pushing him away by taking all his disability money which he offered only part of to help pay for the cable and rent; he should have $200 left for himself to spend on things to make him happy since there's not much else he can do in life because he's dying from his Wilson's Disease.

It's getting to the point where he just wants to move out or blow his brains out which depresses him because he thought he'd NEVER be the person to give up like that. And if he moves out, he'd leave his family homeless because he's basicly their leg-up in the situation they're in. His mom is the only one there with a job because his stepdad lost the job he got recently because his bachground came back bad and the fired him, and James doesn't think he'd be able to do that to his family because the guilt would eat him alive...

This entire morning, he spent 3 hours venting to me about his problems which I can't blaim him for the way he's feeling (actually... for all the sh*t he's gone through, I would have blown my brains out years ago...)

It wouldn't be so bad if his mom, step-dad, and step-brother just were greatful for the things he does for them. He helps around the house every day (including cleaning up after the cat and dogs which aren't even really his to take care of; they're his mom's). He even offers to help whenever there's like a problem with the computer and his mom just snaps back at him "I didn't ask for your help!" and I've actually heard her over the phone that she constantly does all the time. I mean... she's Bi-Polar, I know, but... She acts like a raging tiger just waiting for the right moment to strike fear in her prey.

Not only that, but it seems his mom only cares about his step-dad. His step-brother will OCCASIONALLY get some attention with like a full coarse lunch for school when James only gets ramen which is hard for him to cook because his disease makes his muscles very weak, but... yeah... And the thing that sucks about that is the fact that James is supposed to be eating 5 full coarse meals a day and he barely has 2! It's no wonder he's so skinny...

I'm sorry, but... it's just very upseting knowing that a woman whose son is dying, isn't her priority. ESPECIALLY if he's actually helping pay bills which he shouldn't even have to worry about!

But, he'll leave next month if he isn't given the $16 his mom promised him so he could use it to buy presents for people during Christmas. (he told me if that happens, he's only going to give me something because I'm really the only one now who seems to care about him other than his internet buddies.)

So... all in all... I'm upset because of the crap my boyfriend is going through and shouldn't have to go through hell because of his leeching mom.

EDIT: I can't even really do anything about this because I have no money of my own unless I get a job which is EXTREMELY unlikely... I mean.. I just wish we both had a break in life for once...
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is that like a gigolo?



Right now there are so many things making me feel depressed, it's easier to ask myself "what is not making you depressed at the moment".

It is coming up to a year since I joined SPW, and quite frankly I am in the exact same mental/emotional state of despair I was this time last year!:rolleyes: That is just sad.::eek::


Well-known member
LMAO Coyote indeed!! :D

Maybe it's just the wrong time and the wrong space? ;)

/I usually get depressed around birthdays and such, or other people's birthdays, or a few other specific dates... Maybe you can find some trigger-points or trigger-situations too?/