Your career aspirations please? :)



I would love to learn what you are all aspiring to be/what you currently do for a living. Because I get the feeling that as introverts, we are primarily a smart and creative bunch perhaps aiming towards similar fields of profession.

If you are already where you want to be, I would love to know how you got there because this seems to be the most difficult thing for me to do right now, due to SA.



Well-known member
Realistically: Some sort of programmer, or database designer, or something along those lines.
Ideally: Writer.


Active member
I'm working in a big supermarket for over 2 years, but i want to leave in summer...
I'm planning to go back to my home country and find some temporary job there, i want to try differnt jobs, dont want to do something for the rest of my life...


Well-known member
I plan on going to college in the fall for Nutrition and Dietetics. I want to be a dietitian and would love to create a food business someday for those with food allergies.

Yet, a part of me also wants to do model photography, but I'm not sure if I could even make a full living on that.


Well-known member
Novelist, playwright and photographer.
Of course, I am still thinking about what other things I'd like to do (costume-design, illistrator, etc.) But I'm pretty much set on writing.
My dream job is to work in a vet's office or for a animal adoption agency. If not that, then something that deals with art, music, or books.


Well-known member
I have a few different ideas, no real clue about what I'm gonna do. As much as I like the arts, most of my career ideas lean more towards the sciences...

Ultrasound Tech
Child Psychologist

But I know I'll be doing a 6 month travel thing doing non-profit volunteer work. Hopefully after that's done I'll have a better idea about what I really wanna do.


Hopefully, this Spring I'll muster the courage to get the wheels rollin' on becoming a Truck Driver. It could satisfy my natural ability of being a responsible driver as well as my SA. I do aim to make a career of it starting Over The Road and then going local if I can. Overall I believe this career path suits me but we'll see.​
--either this or a couch holder downer (years of experience):D


I think I'm leaning towards something with design. Print design maybe. Second choice is mathematics but I think it's too demanding. Still, I'll keep it as a hobby because it does greatly benefit the mind, and it's better to learn it on your own pace anyway.
Realistically: Some sort of programmer, or database designer, or something along those lines.
Ideally: Writer, Singer, Composer, Graphic Designer.

Same here. I've added some words to 'ideally' though ::p:

I don't know if singing is wether Realistically or Ideally, since a music career can only be realistic if you make money for it as a job, and it doesn't happen very often to become a real known artist. so, I picked ideally.

Graphic designer, is one of my dreams too, but I am studying to become a web developer, I will see if I can do graphic's on my spare time. :)

I would love to publish a book as a writer, would be a nice thing since I love writing and reading and have a lot of ideas for a book!

and Composer, I love playing instruments, I also like to create beats. ::p:


Well-known member
i would love to work outdoors in the woods

a trail guide, or something like that

not sure it would be enough to pay my bills though


Well-known member
A writer. That's always been my dream job.

But of course there are other things that interest me enough to consider pursuing in college. I don't know. I change my mind everyday. But probably writer.