You Will Never Get Better


Well-known member
You will never get better if...

*If you are lazy, apathetic, unmotivated, and have given up.

*If you don't actively take steps to change your thinking, behavior, and sub-conscious programming.

*If you think it will be easy.

*If you are under the false notion that you were born scared of others and they way the perceive you.

*If you just try to cover up the feelings of social phobia with drugs, alcohol, or any other substance. Or, if you simply distract and escape with television, music, internet, or any other escapist outlet.

*If you give in to the thoughts, feelings, and just drown in the despair. Start swimming, and if you don't know how, keep kicking until you learn.

Even if it takes you years and years to trudge through the mess of emotions, false thoughts and insecurites, unworthiness, or whatever the case may be, there is a way out of the misery. If you are walking 10,000 miles, the only way to get there is to keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep marching. And don't stop until you get there.


Well-known member
Very true.

It is just sad that so many people will never be willing to put in all the effort.

Or the ones who will never be allowed by family to break free.


Well-known member
It takes discipline and constant nurturing and being mindful of thought processes and actions to get where you wanna go.

But it is a choice. It probably starts with hope and motivation.


Well-known member
Unfortunately, most of the time I am the lazy, unmotivated, defeatist type. I don't always put in the effort to change and I fall back into old habits, whether it be my mental issues or anything else. What you've written is good, and it's the only way to get through whatever I have, but I lack motivation and drive.

It's going to get to a stage at some point in my life where I'm so absolutely fed up of being the way I am that I will change out of sheer annoyance or because I'm at rock bottom.


Well-known member
Unfortunately, most of the time I am the lazy, unmotivated, defeatist type. I don't always put in the effort to change and I fall back into old habits, whether it be my mental issues or anything else. What you've written is good, and it's the only way to get through whatever I have, but I lack motivation and drive.

You could have just described me.:eek:


It's not easy if your brain has broken. Attitude and inner strength to an extent. Sometimes people cant climb out of it. Frustrating as hell - but still deserves sympathy.


Well-known member
Motivation is something you can nourish though.

I have been cynical of motivation CD's on here before probably because of some inner resistance or pessimism, but I've gone back to listening to them (I love Ziglar especially). It gives me a little extra fire to get off my ass and start working when I extra need it.

Ás he says " People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily."


Well-known member
That's true. Especially the parts we really dislike, the sour apple we have to bite through.

"If you wanna keep on getting what you're getting, keep on doing what you're doing".

Doing will be infinitely more rewarding then doing nothing.


Well-known member
I will never get better then. Or at least not anytime soon. Because of #6 I've #1 and it's hard not to fall into #2, so I guess I'll just #5.