You may not see me on here anymore come October, I'm gonna become free


Well-known member
oh my gosh, that sounds amazing. If you ever end up settling around vancouver or vancouver island, after December, that would be way cool if I could come about and say hi and see how it's all going with the plans! Of course i'm a total stranger to ya sooo yeaah don't have to. goodluck!! I am really happy for you.


Well-known member
Sounds great .. I also want to leave it all. I don´t want a job, I´d rather live in nature. I was supposed to run away with my boyfriend, but he is not able to run away after all. I don´t have any friends who want to go away with me. And my health is very bad, I´m afraid I can´t get by on myself in nature or on the road. Looks like I´m stuck in society.


Well-known member
That sounds so AWESOME :O.. all the best to you,, I would definitely want to do something like that as well.


Well-known member
I think many have dreamed of doing something like this, but you actually make it come true. Best of luck to you, no matter what the outcome of this will be.

Although, I was kind of wishing you would build a boat and travel to Greenland, Iceland or Scandinavia to settle down there!

Oh man, hitting the scandinavian countries would be amazing but hey, that can always be a possibility in the future. And dreams do come true, but the thing with dreams is you have to make sacrifices and you can always do it if you really try and want it bad enough. you can do it

oh my gosh, that sounds amazing. If you ever end up settling around vancouver or vancouver island, after December, that would be way cool if I could come about and say hi and see how it's all going with the plans! Of course i'm a total stranger to ya sooo yeaah don't have to. goodluck!! I am really happy for you.

strangers will be encouraged to visit us. but i know you from here so you are no stranger. for sure we will be around the island in december and you will always be welcome to visit, that would be amazing if you did.

Sounds great .. I also want to leave it all. I don´t want a job, I´d rather live in nature. I was supposed to run away with my boyfriend, but he is not able to run away after all. I don´t have any friends who want to go away with me. And my health is very bad, I´m afraid I can´t get by on myself in nature or on the road. Looks like I´m stuck in society.

keep your head up. i guess its just not the right time right now. I've had many times that i had the chance to do it but ended up not and things wouldn't work out like they were suppose to, well hell, things barely ever turn out the way they're suppose to lol. but you will get your chance, just keep thinking about it and I understand how its hard on your own, I wouldn't be able to do this now if I was alone so I understand where you're coming from. Having someone else there is really comforting, knowing that at least someone, one other person is watching out for you.


Well-known member
and might i add again, YOU ALL RULE! you are all amazing people and thanks again for the support. this is the best support in the world, from this site.
I like how you're excited to try something new and scary. Amazing :).I want to be totally positive about the plan. I've read your replies on the forum and I feel like I've gotten to know you and care so I want to share my observations & hope you'll understand them to be constructive foresight that might help you prepare for and consider unforeseen events rather than negative criticism raining on your parade.

I dont know about the details of your plan or the geography of the area/ populations of the island so my concerns are based on my understanding of 3 guys in a confined space in a remote area without much outside contact.

These are my concerns:

* Its a lot of testosterone in a small space. Conflict is kinda imminent. And 3 is an odd number so any arguments will either either result in 2v1 or 1v1 and 1 feeling very awkward and isolated. It could be a lot to deal with all that and without much outside support.

* I can't help but feel that isolating yourself in this way will exacerbate any social phobias. As you push yourself further away from your demons, they only get bigger.

Im not trying to pick out the flaws but it's a lot to invest; hope, time, money.

I just can't see that the outcome will satisfy the objective. And it's a lot to invest for something not to work.

On the flipside of that though, the hardships and experience could do you the world of good and could be a turning point in your life.

I am interested to see how this pans out, it's the opposite approach to what I take. I wonder if you would consider keeping a journal here that you could periodically update for us?

I do wish you the very best of luck however you proceed :)
The "great adventure" eh? I've often fancied myself as an "adventurer", but alas the only one adventure i've had is to trek for 2 days up a wild west coast. I was "team leader" (just me & my mate). But weather turned REALLY wild & rough on 2nd day, and probably could quite easily have perished a few times (eg swept off rocks) ... but made it all the more exciting! He did actually lose his glasses, when the incoming waves took him under, and we both (& backpacks) ended up completely drenched, & we were very cold after that. Very seldom have i felt as "alive" since as i did doing that.
Don't seem to have the get-up-and-go nowadays, not that i ever did. But i guess if i did that once, i could do something similar again?

Good luck & good fortunes on your magnificent adventure dude!!!


Well-known member
That sounds awesome! I wish i had your guts. A life of freedom is better than this ****ty opression we have to live in.


Well-known member
I like how you're excited to try something new and scary. Amazing :).I want to be totally positive about the plan. I've read your replies on the forum and I feel like I've gotten to know you and care so I want to share my observations & hope you'll understand them to be constructive foresight that might help you prepare for and consider unforeseen events rather than negative criticism raining on your parade.

I dont know about the details of your plan or the geography of the area/ populations of the island so my concerns are based on my understanding of 3 guys in a confined space in a remote area without much outside contact.

These are my concerns:

* Its a lot of testosterone in a small space. Conflict is kinda imminent. And 3 is an odd number so any arguments will either either result in 2v1 or 1v1 and 1 feeling very awkward and isolated. It could be a lot to deal with all that and without much outside support.

* I can't help but feel that isolating yourself in this way will exacerbate any social phobias. As you push yourself further away from your demons, they only get bigger.

Im not trying to pick out the flaws but it's a lot to invest; hope, time, money.

I just can't see that the outcome will satisfy the objective. And it's a lot to invest for something not to work.

On the flipside of that though, the hardships and experience could do you the world of good and could be a turning point in your life.

I am interested to see how this pans out, it's the opposite approach to what I take. I wonder if you would consider keeping a journal here that you could periodically update for us?

I do wish you the very best of luck however you proceed :)

I understand where you're coming from. A lot of people have told us that we're nuts for doing this and yeah maybe it is a bit nutty but honestly I don't really care lol. We are doing this no matter what because this is something we want and love and care about.

Don't think I haven't taken the personal conflicts into mind. I know there will be times when we don't agree or just get on eachothers nerves, that for one is pretty much impossible to avoid. But I would not do this with any other people. The 3 of us have been best friends for the past 4 years. We've been inseparable, always finding ourselves coming back together. We consider eachother brothers and since when do brothers not fight. We all have a very good mind about a communal type of living, we've pretty much been doing it for the past year in our household. Not everyone can feed themselves all the time but between the 3 of us, someone can always afford food and we always share, we're a bunch of hippies lol. Also we all won't be crammed together all the time. Someone will be taking care of growing our food while the others can fish and make random money doing random jobs for our basic needs. I think we will be alright. I know it is risky but you can't always just give in when it comes to your happiness.

I understand what you are saying about demons getting bigger from pushing myself away, how can I cure myself? Well, first off, I'm not looking to cure myself of social phobia. I have come to realize that it's something I should just accept. It's a part of who I am and it's part of what makes me who i am. I was given some really good advice from someone on this site (sorry but I really don't remember who it was from) a while ago. I was complaining about the fact that I only feel happy when I'm out in the wilderness. Like when I went and lived in the mountains for a few months and then I came back and things were so bleak and ****ty and I was complaining that it was sad how that was the only way I could feel happiness and that one person just basically said, why avoid doing the things that you know will make you happy. It shouldn't matter how you achieve happiness just as long as you're happy. All I want is to live the unconventional life that is nice and far away from this cookie cutter system I live in now. I don't want to get a life taking career, sign my life away towards a house, blow my money on an education that narrows my mind and live in a place where oil, gas and money rule supreme over all.

Blah, sorry for the crazy rant but this is why I am doing this. I understand your concern and appreciate it rather than just call me crazy like many people have but this is something I really want and I'm not going to give it up too fast either. And I may just keep a journey together to share with y'all


Well-known member
i have a concern, too - what about winter?

it's easy to live in the woods or on a boat in nice weather

not so much when it gets below freezing

don't get me wrong - i think it's a great idea - i'd like to do the same thing

i figure if i want to live aboard, though, i'll have to sail south for the winter

and that brings up all sorts of financial considerations...


Well-known member
^ well the thing with the gulf islands is that it might snow there once a year. It doesn't really get cold, you can have year round gardens and everything too. But if we end up with the crown land then we can build on it and the two guys I'm going with are amazing carpenters


Well-known member
^ well the thing with the gulf islands is that it might snow there once a year. It doesn't really get cold, you can have year round gardens and everything too. But if we end up with the crown land then we can build on it and the two guys I'm going with are amazing carpenters

cool, sounds like you've got things figured out pretty well

seriously, good luck - i hope it all works out


Well-known member
what i find fascinating is that a person like you with a degree of physics? (lol i I'm not sure if thats the exact thing), who i consider a little genius, does something like that, such a simple thing where the mind is not involved like society would like to.

i got another question, does any of your 2 friends have SA? or SA symptoms?


Well-known member
This sounds absolutely awesome.
I've had thoughts like this before....plenty of times.
Could never do it myself though...atleast...not right now.

Wish you and your friends all the luck in the world!


Well-known member
if i ever finish my boat, maybe i can sail out to meet you

of course, i'd have to take the long way around the continent from here

that'd be an awesome trip