I'm all for equality. But as far as feminism goes, ma yin issue with it is how these mental left-wing, hypersensitive nutters huv hijacked it in many ways. How they'll quote the definition of feminism, then proceed to bemoan how men huv f**k it aw up, therefore women have fix society. While demanding more rights and privileges for themselves, at the expense of men and gender equality. No-one sees the irony there?
And ye can't even express a differing opinion to theirs, but you've gotta agree with a feminist's arguments cuz they make so much sense, right?
Also, demanding more women should be involved in male dominated areas and hobbies, which, to me, doesnae really do them an favours. I mean they're more than welcome to play video games or sports or whatever it may be. But it's should be by choice, not because women are under-represented. Ah wouldnae think any less of them.
And the idea that women can do anything men can do is laughable to me. Or the fact that feminists sometimes says women are better than men. Where did that idea come from? And when did feminism move from being about equality between men and women, to women being superior to men?
Oh, and when it comes jokes, comedy and political correctness, it would be nice if feminists had a sense of humour and realised that maybe the comedians telling jokes that could be interrupted by some as racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic - but are definitely politically incorrect - might actually be f**kin' jokin', no?
But, mainly, it's the double standards within modern day feminism that piss me off. And how quickly they are to overreact and take offence at something they didn't like nowadays.
But then again, I'm not really qualified to speak with any authority on this matter, since ah raised by bitter, man-hating feminist mother and 2 older feminist sisters. So common sense and rational thinking were in short supply when ah wus growin' up. Still couldnae tell ye how ah managed to avoid being a male feminist. Oh, wait that's right, I frequently point out the flaws in their BS feminist arguments.
As far as marriage, commitment and huvin kids goes. Shouldn't that really be a choice, at the end of the day? Not something men or women should under some social obligation to do.
And given the way some women act nowadays because of this feminist indoctrination - in my view of my generation and younger - why would men want to commit to a long-term relationship or get married? The family courts are so biased against men, anyway. You'd be financially and emotionally fuct if the wife divorces ya, especially when comes to child support, custody and alimony.
Feminists constantly going on about how they don't need men is also another reason why men and women are so divided, I think. Because they've been saying that for long enough now, that men are starting to take the hint and just leave women be, and say they're not worth the hassle.
It's kinda weird that feminists want to treat as equal to men, but still want men be chivalrous towards them, and treat them like ladies.
Sorry, if anybuddy takes umbrage with this post - just giving ma view on the topic. Or more specifically 21st century feminism.
Just to be clear, ah didnae write this with the intention of startin' any arguments with anybuddy who is a feminist. Also, this was written very little put into it. So it'll be a bit rambling, disjointed and obviously wrong... But feel free to disagree with me and view ma words here as an unjustified, uncalled for kick in the c**t.