Would you make a deal wt the devil to cure your SA?

If Satan is smarter than me, I deduce he will deceive me convincing me to accept his proposal. It's logical.


Well-known member
Thats movie sucks and no. Because evil can always trick u with some small but very important adds:)wich u dont pay attention and later u will end yet worse as u was.


Well-known member
Well I don't believe in the devil, but hypothetically, still, no. I'm not sure what a deal with the devil consists of, but it sounds scary. And that gives me more anxiety lol.


Well-known member
I wanted to join satanism , maybe satan is not that bad after all. ye i know im going crazy, but i allready post in the satanic church forum to try to understand satan and god

The COS? I used to want to join them too. About eleve/twelve years ago, I used to be a regular on their forum. Very nice, very smart people albeit hostile and angry at times. I still have the Satanic Bible somewhere in my home. It was a great source of inspiration to me, but no one religion is for me. I can never dedicate my time or life to religion.


Well-known member
I was looking for a satanic bible in an audio format to listen to on my mp3. Do u have it ?

For now I have only the bible witch i listen to from time to time but its geting excruciating boring...

Not in audio format. The actual bible is lurking somewhere around here. I haven't seen it in a while. It's very cheap and you can order a used copy on Amazon for as little as three bucks.


Well-known member
They were selling it a bookstore near here a while back until some self-righteous prick decided it was offensive and had it taken off the shelf. They had to keep copies of it in the back and people had to request for a copy at the register only to have everyone look at them like they're freaks.


Well-known member
i've had rare moments where i felt like i was free of the social phobia (sitting in my car at a stoplight), and it was the most exhilirating sensation in the world. i felt like i could just stomp up to some stranger and start chatting his ear off for no reason at all.

one moment like that is definately worth losing my soul to the devil. if it cost a soul per social phobia-free moment, i'd go around hatcheting people left and right and send all their souls to satan so i could have that feeling constantly.


Well-known member
No because as Dorian Gray has illustrated his days were dominated by shame, suspicion, and loathing before dying a horrible death. I believe what goes around comes around and what I do for the devil will get me at the end. I wouldn't want to be living like that.


Well-known member
i've had rare moments where i felt like i was free of the social phobia (sitting in my car at a stoplight), and it was the most exhilirating sensation in the world. i felt like i could just stomp up to some stranger and start chatting his ear off for no reason at all.

one moment like that is definately worth losing my soul to the devil. if it cost a soul per social phobia-free moment, i'd go around hatcheting people left and right and send all their souls to satan so i could have that feeling constantly.

Personally id rather deal with social phobia than bloody corpses. But each to their own.