Would you/Have you gone out to dinner by yourself?


Active member
Did it a few years ago when i travelled to Scotland and Ireland. Always took something to read with me, which is a nice distraction. I avoid doing it here in town though, might run into someone i know from the past.


in a VAN down by the RIVER
I seldom do it, maybe once or twice in a year will I sit down in a restaurant without someone being with me. That's one of my big trouble areas, eating in public alone.

I tried taking a book with me as a distraction/cover, but in the south it looks really pretentious to read in a restaurant. Ha Ha Ha
Cannot go by myself unless they had some type of counter people sat at and as long as no one sat next to me I would be ok but Ithink I would take a book or newspaper with me.


Well-known member
So many times i would actually love to go even to the chip shop :( or a take away let alone a restaurant. But i cannot leave the house by myself at all right now.


Well-known member
I went out alone to have pizza twice. I think it is normal to be in a cafe alone. Who says that someone must go to eat to a restaurant only with someone else and mustnt go alone? Though yes I was feeling awkward because I didnt know what to do while waiting for food. I was looking my mobile or trying to read something :)


Well-known member
I've gone out to Lunch by myself, but never dinner. That time of the day I usually just want to sit at home and relax.


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I probably never would. I'd feel like everyone is staring at me, thinking I'm a loner with no friends.


Active member
I've been out to lunch alone numerous times but only a couple of times for dinner. The last time was at a place I go to regularly with friends so the people there kind of know me. It was still awkward so I started texting a friend (anyone noticed that mobile phones have become the new distraction in awkward situations?). I also tried as much as possible to remember that most people are more interested in themselves and their meal than me which kinda helped.


Active member
I learn specific routes to get to the car fastest. Awesome.

im the same way! i feel like im a secret agent or something always on my toes really aware of my surroundings and possible exit routes.

i cant go to eat alone. done it before but i get way too anxious. if i even go i always have to go with close friends who know about my anxiety.


back when I went to movie theaters alone, I'd usually get fast food after. As far as sitting down restaurants, I've walked into a couple, under the assumption that I was walking into a cheaper place lol. Once I walked into an italian restaurant w cloth napkins (initially expecting to see a sbarros type joint) and felt like I was in the wrong place. The host was looking at me, and I didn't know how to play it off smoothly. So I just took a seat and had lunch there::p:
Pretty good food too. Same situation happened when I was in the mood for chinese buffet, but ended up in a more family oriented sit down place. Either way I enjoyed the food, albeit spending more than I preffered.


Well-known member
I ate at a restuarant on my own last December. That was a big deal for me.

In January I went to a pasta night, I sat on my own but was invited to another table by another athlete. My anxiety was very bad.

When I travel I usually take dinner back to my room.


Well-known member
done it plenty of times. always go to different ones at sit-down type of restaurants so I don't become a regular. People who travel for work related stuff do it all the time so I don't see it any different


I know how to cook and it wouldn't help me if I actually wanted lobster...I'd rather starve then cook lobster...don't they drop them in boiling water alive? Does it not taste as good if you don't torture it to death?

On the subject of going out alone it depends where, to a semi-decent eating place like that yeah I'd never be able to do that, there are some places people don't usually go alone that I can without feeling to weird about it.


Well-known member
I wouldn't sit in a fancy restaurant on my own but I have sat in burger places and such by myself. Usually I will take it to go.


Well-known member
I love food too much to miss out on my favourite dish just because nobody is around at the time ::p:
Sometimes you just need to treat yourself.