Women have it easy.


Well-known member
My thoughts on this are that as far as attracting a mate, it is probably a bit easier for women who have SA.

Yet, I think that this also depends on degree of shyness; and that, past a certain threshold, the advantage of being female makes little to no difference. That if you're painfully shy, it won't matter so much what gender you are: relationships are very difficult.

Along with this, I think that there are too many factors that go into whether a person finds dating easy. And I afree very much with those posters who brought-up the problems that women and especially shy women deal with in the dating world.

...It is even the theory of Carl Jung, the Father of Analytical Psychology,
that if a shy, timid female is out-of-touch with the masculine aspects of her psyche, then she is likely to project this onto an actual man; and because this 'male opposite' is likely to be agressive and even unscrupulous, such a matching with a male can most certainly have dire consequences.

So basically, to the first poster: you are correct about certain aspects of love and relationships; but you only see those particular aspects.
The simple fact that, for you women have an advantage in terms of "the male taking over" -tells you that also, because of this, "the male taking over" is just as likely a shy, timid woman's disadvantage as it is her advantage.

In short, I believe that you would benefit from opening your eyes to seeing past your own immediate situation. For one thing, you would be doing your self the favor of realising that you are not as powerless or disadvantaged as you think you are. ....afterall, things turn around in the world -and 'Many who are first will be last and many who are last will be first'. And, I believe that this turn-around would happen more quickly if you were more willing to see past your own immediate situation and disadvantaged position.


Well-known member
do women have it easier time with theri SA?

I think the grass is just greener on the other side.

A wealthy guy with SA will attract females like flies on honey.
but it wont make things any easier.

A hot chic will attract people but then the attention will trigger her anxitey attack.

This is a perfect example of selective vision.
We see and hear what we want to.

No one seems to be looking at all the people who are verry attractive yet single...but there are plenty of them.

You are only looking for evidence that support your belief.
This is called belief maintances.


Dont depend on or blame the "ugly" and the "

Wow so I guess you think fat girls like me should go for any man...
Thats pretty offensive. I'll chalk some of it up to your problem but I am sick of fat bias. I am large and I will not lower my standards because I am overweight. Get educated on your phobia, treatment but don't depend on supposedly ugly and fat girls to accept you. Believe it or not some fat people have confidence and self-esteem. I'ss grant you that guys that are not willing to ask a woman out and show some interest are not going to attract many women. I have my problems but the bottom line is that we need to work on them and then some how take risk of being rejected.


Well-known member
LittleMissScareAll said:
red_reagel said:
Are you kidding? I think guys have it just a teensy bit easier than we do :?. Have you ever seen a good-looking guy with an ugly girl go out? sometimes I see very pretty girls with not so attractive guys, and these type of guys are the cocky ones cause of that. I talk to guys a little and I still cant get anyone interested in me, looks or no looks. Guys dont have to worry about how they look in public, accessorizing, having bad hair, or any of that other stuff.

Girls have to be smart, beautiful, have real skills that show that feminism isn't a lie.

I probably already responded in this thread somewhere, but I have to say I agree with you red_reagel. Guys in general, have it easier, in my opinion, because they don't have to worry about how they look. Plus guys are usually the ones who lie to, cheat on, and hurt girls, at least from my experience. I guess not always, I hope there have to be halfway decent guys out there. But from MY personal experience they are the ones that hurt girls. None of my exes turned out to be good people. Even the ones who seemed so sweet and/or shy and innocent at first...they always ended up being manipulative bastards who are just faking it, even though I'm always very nice to them and at first they seemed crazy about me and alot of them even admitted I'm a great girlfriend...my last one told me I was "perfect" or something but he just couldn't be happy with me... so it just proves that they were all worthless pieces of shit who need to have their organs ripped out of their body.
I think more guys are more shallow too. Anyway, either way......any guy who says any girl can have whatever guy they want is full of shit, because I've always had problems getting guys to like me, especially back when I was fat. But now I still have problems, even though alot of people think I'm not so bad looking now...I still cant keep anyone because of my social phobia and because I'm not optimistic. I'm sorry but optimistic people make me want to shoot myself. I can't stand being around overly positive people.

My friend says the same thing about guys and it kills me! If girls surround themselves with assholes and are attracted to assholes guess what the girl is going to get? I'm listening to this being a guy that is being there for a friend telling me that all guys are assholes.... If these kinds of guys didn't get so many girls and have kids with these girls making those kids in to them...

I can never be the knight in shining armor every girl wants. I can't take her out on a date. Even without SA I hate dates! I'd rather stay home and hang out. Girls don't like that! We can't sit around and enjoy one anothers company we have to be doing something. Girls don't want to hear that I have weaknesses and I'm a sensitive person! They want a guy to be strong all the time and a guy can never cry! If a girl sees you as weak she will say see you the hell later I'm going to get a real man.

My way of thinking is if you treat a girl right they will treat you right. I'm waiting for proof of that...


Well-known member
frustr4t3d said:
Thelema said:
If girls surround themselves with assholes and are attracted to assholes guess what the girl is going to get?
@Thelema - Reminds me of those high school days! 8O

(most) girls in high school seemed only interested in guys that were only interested in getting in the girls' pants. What? ur relationship only lasted a week? surprise surprise... :p

How does the name or word Thelema reminds you of highschool?


Well-known member
frustr4t3d said:

the "@Thelema -" means that i'm directing that sentence towards you.

Oh sorry...Who would be in a relationship with a girl when it is obvious she doesn't love you? Who gets in a reltionship just to be in a relationship? I know a girl likes me right now but I'm not in a relationship with her.


Well-known member
frustr4t3d said:
frustr4t3d said:
Thelema said:
If girls surround themselves with assholes and are attracted to assholes guess what the girl is going to get?
@Thelema - Reminds me of those high school days! 8O

(most) girls in high school seemed only interested in guys that were only interested in getting in the girls' pants. What? ur relationship only lasted a week? surprise surprise... :p

lol i was only directly talking to u in the first sentence (that's y i spaced it out in paragraphs) when i said "What? ur relationship only lasted a week? surprise surprise... :p" that wasn't directed to you, lol. I was just saying that about girls who get into relationships like that, what do they expect?

Ohhhhhh...Sorry. I guess the only way to understand it is that love works without reason and you can't control who you are attracted to but you can remove yourself from those kinds of people and situations because you know all too well that it will only lead to more crap and isn't love after all supposed to make you happy?
LittleMissScareAll said:
I've always had problems getting guys to like me, especially back when I was fat. But now I still have problems, even though alot of people think I'm not so bad looking now...I still cant keep anyone because of my social phobia and because I'm not optimistic.

I'll aways be fat, I'll never have the will power to change it!! :cry: :cry: :cry:


Well-known member
that is kinda true im a girl and some guys r drawn 2 the quiet girl but alot just want an easy girl and even once we do get in a relationship w/ them they end up dumping usafter a short amount of time because were boring or dont do enough or something like that, at least that is how its 4 me. but all in all i think guys have it 10 billion times easier than girls ((besides that 1 thing))


Well-known member
If the girl is shy.. then shouldn't it be eaiser for you guys to ask her out??! I dunno why anyone even bothers to complain about this. o.o
Now and day I see that most guys are more interested in confident girls soo... o.o


Well-known member
yay said:
If the girl is shy.. then shouldn't it be eaiser for you guys to ask her out??! I dunno why anyone even bothers to complain about this. o.o
Now and day I see that most guys are more interested in confident girls soo... o.o

A shy girl is a good thing but it isn't as good when the guy is shy too.


Well-known member
oooh yeah! I almost forgot, i was extremely offended when i first read the topic of this forum because I'M SHY AND I DON'T HAVE ASSHOLES COMING ON TO ME :?


Well-known member
Septor said:
Not this again,girl don't have it easer then guy in fact they have it just as bad.Just a different set of problems.Women with sa are more likely to be targeted be predatory men and are more likely to be in a abusive relationship because of the symptom of sa.There are men that target shy girl like that.I have seen it first hand.It's really sad that it happens.So many broken lives.:cry:

That not to say men have it easy but both sexes have there own set of problems that they have to deal with in a relationship.Yes guys have it hard.They are the one that have make contact with the women.Although there are more and more women asking the guys out.Yes guys are expected to have more and confident and be I guess you would say manly,if you want to call it that.Because of the way system works it is sometime easer for sa girl to be in relationship then it is for sa man but women faces more danger in the dating world that guys don't have to worry about.Also being women also does not mean it's easy for them to get to a relationship with a man as some women can attest to here.

So it not about who has it better or worse off.As I said before both sexes there own set of problem when it come getting in to a relationship and they face a different set of hurdles and I think it would help if people with sa realize that.

There seem to be a lot of "what girls like" "What guys like", going on. People are people.
I respect the above post. It states a simple truth. We all have our problems. While gender can play a part in those problems, neither has it worse or easier. It just is.

As for those who point out that so many more women have relationships...
Try reading the posts again...
I'm female, and while my insecurities make me doubt my appearance, I know realisticaly I'm not ugly, and yet I am single. Have been for the last 8 years.
Why? Because I have my problems, just as most of us here do. Male or female.

I particulary enjoyed another comment that stated we read and take notice of that which supports our arguments, and gloss over that which does not.

Instead of trying to decide who has it better or worse, why not try to find ways to make life easier for all?

ShiJai. :?


Well-known member
dzerklis said:
then how come most sp women have partners but men dont?
That doesn't mean they have it easier. Having a partner isn't everything, if they dont care about you...it's pointless. I've had boyfriends but they all get tired of me after awhile because I guess I'm not "fun" or "outgoing" enough for them. And I think I would have been better off to have never had a boyfriend if they're all just going to treat me like shit in the end anyway and find some other stupid outgoing girl who never shuts up that they like better. :?

Thelema said:
My friend says the same thing about guys and it kills me! If girls surround themselves with assholes and are attracted to assholes guess what the girl is going to get?
It's because these guys WANT girls to think they're all sweet and nice at first to lure them in, then after a few months they show their true asshole side... how can you tell whether they're an asshole or not? Unless you just assume everyone is an asshole--which most people are assholes in some way or another...but my last ex was perfect at first...we never fought, never argued, never had any problems...for over 7 months... and he seemed like the sweetest guy I had ever met until he just dumped me out of the blue, then I found out all kinds of things I didn't like about him...he had told some other girl he liked her 2 weeks before he dumped me(some ugly outgoing girl who was more than likely, a slut and he just wanted to get in her pants, which I guess he probably did), I didn't find out until after that that he drank & smoked--which I dont have a problem with drinking & smoking(my current boyfriend does it, most of my exes done at least one or the other), although I'm not into those things myself...what bothered me is how he LIED to me about it. He always claimed he was straight-edge and all that crap, like me...but he was just pretending. I hate the person he truly was, but I loved the person he was pretending to be. :?

MyDyingBride said:
I'll aways be fat, I'll never have the will power to change it!! :cry: :cry: :cry:
Aww, you could do it...if I can do it anyone can. Actually I got food poisoning and that's how my weight-loss began(I became paranoid and almost stopped eating) but I don't recommend doing it that way. 8O

Thelema said:
A shy girl is a good thing but it isn't as good when the guy is shy too.
I disagree cause I've tried dating outgoing guys, and it doesn't work. EVER. Even if they say they don't have a problem with my quietness...they always do. They just want outgoing whores. From now on, I'm only dating introverts like myself.


Well-known member
Thelema said:
My friend says the same thing about guys and it kills me! If girls surround themselves with assholes and are attracted to assholes guess what the girl is going to get?
It's because these guys WANT girls to think they're all sweet and nice at first to lure them in, then after a few months they show their true asshole side... how can you tell whether they're an asshole or not? Unless you just assume everyone is an asshole--which most people are assholes in some way or another...but my last ex was perfect at first...we never fought, never argued, never had any problems...for over 7 months... and he seemed like the sweetest guy I had ever met until he just dumped me out of the blue, then I found out all kinds of things I didn't like about him...he had told some other girl he liked her 2 weeks before he dumped me(some ugly outgoing girl who was more than likely, a slut and he just wanted to get in her pants, which I guess he probably did), I didn't find out until after that that he drank & smoked--which I dont have a problem with drinking & smoking(my current boyfriend does it, most of my exes done at least one or the other), although I'm not into those things myself...what bothered me is how he LIED to me about it. He always claimed he was straight-edge and all that crap, like me...but he was just pretending. I hate the person he truly was, but I loved the person he was pretending to be. :?

All guys act sweet and caring because guys want to get you in bed as soon as humanly possible. If they take down your defenses by acting sweet and pretending they aren't like those other guys they can swoop right in. you know how a guy can con a girl out of hundreds of thousands of dollars? He BECOMES the man she has been looking her whole life for. He studies her and her personality type and can change everything from the shampoo he uses to the words he uses to get the the girl. Why would girls think any differently in the first place? Especially meeting guys in bars...Girls are just asking for trouble. The only way to find out if he is real or not is to make yourself look absolutely horrible and ugly and smelly and if he is still around after you make yourself look as bad as you can to him then you have a good guy that really loves you.

Thelema said:
A shy girl is a good thing but it isn't as good when the guy is shy too.
I disagree cause I've tried dating outgoing guys, and it doesn't work. EVER. Even if they say they don't have a problem with my quietness...they always do. They just want outgoing whores. From now on, I'm only dating introverts like myself.[/quote]

Real love would find a way(yes stay vague so you don't have to explane yourself :wink: )


Well-known member
I've never met a guy in a bar before. I've only been to a bar once, with one of my exes and his dumb friends. I don't drink. And I have looked bad before....worn my mismatched pajamas, probably had greasy hair at some points, and no makeup on and they still seemed to like me. But then it's like a few months later they just suddenly decide they don't want to have anything to do with me anymore.


Well-known member
LittleMissScareAll said:
I've never met a guy in a bar before. I've only been to a bar once, with one of my exes and his dumb friends. I don't drink. And I have looked bad before....worn my mismatched pajamas, probably had greasy hair at some points, and no makeup on and they still seemed to like me. But then it's like a few months later they just suddenly decide they don't want to have anything to do with me anymore.

Well if your favorite movie actor walked up and said everything you want to hear wouldn't you have left the guy? If the most important thing to a guy is sex and a girl comes along offering him what he wants he'll leave you for her. If he can get it easy from her why would he wait for a chance from you? If he loves you for who you are then he won't do this but thats a rare thing to find. I'm learning more every day that everything you hear about love is pretty much bullshit. We just settle for who we can get and convince ourselves that they love us and we love them but when something a little better comes along they don't give a shit about you. They have suddenly found the love of their life and you could die tomorrow for all they care. Another sad fact is we probably all have done this to someone. You know what I mean?