Here's something to whet your appetites :
JeSs42790 said:Hey,
like someone who is really really shy has it worse then someone who is just a little shy. also, guys are supposed to make the first move, and even if your shy i'm sure you can't truthfully say that have never hit on a girl, but girls have to sit around and wait for the guy, but it is hard to ask a girl out especially with the chance of rejection. so i'd have to say it's equal, both have it pretty damn shitty :wink:.
(i hope i have not offended anyone, if i did sorry, that's just how i feel)
Chica said:I never know I'm being hit on until later when a friend tells me.
zelwood said:It also points out, by the way, that while women attempt suicide almost twice as much as men, the suicide rate for men is still almost twice that of women. Basically, women are attempting many suicides, but not succeeding at many, while men are attempting far fewer, but pulling the majority of them off
Horatio said:I dont want to say that females have it easier but I do think that socialphobic males have a much higher chance of living a solitary life than socialphobic females do... and contributors to our forum seem to represent that statistic. More females on here have partners than males do.
i'm straight, but because im not macho, the majority of people tend to get the impression that im gay. In the dating arena, this is a huuuuge setback.