Women have it easy.

Why on earth do women pretend constantly that the relationship game is played on an even field.

This really annoys me. Any woman, regardless of looks or personality can find a boyfriend very easily. This rule does not apply to S.P males.

I've been to S.A(S.P) meets in the past and I have witnessed many men claim to suffer from S.P and yet seem to find it very easy to start relationships with women and suffer no anxiety in the presence of other people(be wary of them).

The women who say stay single most probably have extreme weight issues(ie. Obesity) or perhaps are extremely picky.


Rossettismuse1 said:
Why on earth do women pretend constantly that the relationship game is played on an even field.

This really annoys me. Any woman, regardless of looks or personality can find a boyfriend very easily. This rule does not apply to S.P males.

I've been to S.A(S.P) meets in the past and I have witnessed many men claim to suffer from S.P and yet seem to find it very easy to start relationships with women and suffer no anxiety in the presence of other people(be wary of them).

The women who say stay single most probably have extreme weight issues(ie. Obesity) or perhaps are extremely picky.
Bullshit. I haven't had a real friend since I was 8; the idea of ever getting a date for me is laughable. It'll never happen. I'm not obese, nor am I picky.


Well-known member
Rossettismuse1 said:
This really annoys me. Any woman, regardless of looks or personality can find a boyfriend very easily. This rule does not apply to S.P males.

Oh... please tell me how. I have never had a boyfriend in my life. I agree with McShy... it's difficult for everyone with SA to have a relationship. Still.... I have to say my own piece. I am not ugly, stupid, or fat....but, I am quiet. And- when you are quiet-isn't it easier to do what is expected of you rather than what is not expected of you??


Well-known member
It's almost the worst to see all of the really really ugly girls who have boyfriends..... and you know, it's just because they can talk. That just makes me feel horrible.

Cassie- I am sure you are not ugly... nowhere as bad as me, at least.


Well-known member
iv never found it easy. iv never approached anyone coz i never feel pritty. i dont think its easy for anyone, living in a world where everyone feels like they have to be pritty to make it with people. it pisses me off so much. burn the mags in the shops.


New member
yea, im a shy person... im nearly 21 and still a virgin.., it not thought choice...., i do hav a slight socil phobia..., more iwth independance..., ...., iv had set back after set back trying to get laid...., im not a one track mind person...., i would thing myself as a really nice guy....., but all i want to do is ge thits out my way, so i hav more confidence with the oppisite sex, and can get on with my life.... the thing that inoys me is i only want to try it once..., and i can even get that... ppl say it will happen...., i thought that when i was 16....., the internets abit of a help.., and iv opened up my age bracket from 16 to 40....., maybe i should put it up on ebay....., how come no one else has probalems like this :(


Well-known member
Notice the trend, nearly all of the girls with sp have or are with somebody and nearly all of the guys with sp are alone and never had a girl.

I really is easier for you girls, in most circumstances anyway.


Well-known member
I'm very shy and nervous all the time even wth people i know which isnt ,many i've never had a boy "interested" in me and i have no problem
with that, maybe the fact i dress like a boy puts them of! :lol:


Staff member
southamerican1984 said:
ohh man, last night i posted a super very interesting message in this thread, i know it's dissapeared, damnnnnnn

just like your going to


Well-known member
Cassie said:
All guys want is attractive girls, so ugly bitches like me will be single forever.

Ditto! Same here for me- I KNOW that it is near impossible for me to get a guy ever(the chances of me winning lottery are much much higher!), & if I do get 1 by some sort of miricle, I KNOW I will be badly treated. I have seen only too many guys left their girlfriends for trophy ones. Sad but true :cry:

Another comment 'bout the code: It is 100% true. I know that after this is posted, guys will argue & say that looks are not all that matters & that personality matters, blah, blah,blah. But I have lived for 19 years & I am a living example that it is. So, pls don't try to argure wif me on this 'K? :wink:


crashmodem said:
I believe females have it easier. Because they are more comfortable around guys, they usually are the ones that approach the guys. However, they happen to be the ones that are more critical, because girls know they can get any guy, and they reject the guys who are too shy, because of course, there are more guys than girls.

i don't know.. just my thoughts..

That's a big generalization. As a young woman my life would be much easier if I fell into this group of females you mentioned. We're not all confident enough to believe we can get any guy...especially if we suffer from social anxiety.

In my experience it seems if you're not attractive enough guys won't even look at you.


Well-known member
Dats not rite at all!!!! what about when dey have to have babies? i dread the day that comes to me!! :roll:


Well-known member
looking at the pics in the photoalbum on this site... seems to me that all women with social phobia on this forum are very very attractive

there is no way in hell I would have the guts to walk up to any of them and try to start a convo but Im sure more confident and more handsome looking guys than me would on a regular basis if given the oppurtunity


Well-known member
That's a great point. I'd hate to feel as though someone was with me because they thought they couldn't do better. Like a consolation prize. On the flipside I wouldn't appreciate having to reassure my partner constantly either.

But back to who of the sexes has it better. I think it comes down to time and approachability really. If you don't allow yourself to get to know someone and put in the time, I don't believe it matters what your gender is. Even if a woman did have men approaching her or vice versa, it doesn't mean they have anything in common or have a future. You could be hot and everyone just assumes you have someone or wouldn't talk to them anyways.

Every story I've ever heard about how a couple met was awkward and sweet and it took time. I haven't heard one yet that was smooth.

Plus guys, I don't know of many women that like an approach that's too slick. We don't want to feel like you've done it a million times before. It's a time when stammering and blushing is quite endearing and sexy. 'You're scared shitless, but you're doing it anyway just for me' approach makes quite an impact. I know of a couple guys who pretend to be shy for this very reason.


Well-known member
It doesn't matter what a guy's approach is like if he's even too terrified to talk to her, or even leave his room to find girls.