Why am i always ignored?


Well-known member
You will never get better. That is the truth, sorry. You know why. Because you don't want to get better. Nothing will make you feel better, because you won't accept it, you won't believe it.

Change your fuking negative thoughts. Even if they are true, forget about them for a while, because they will kill you. It's like cocaine. It's good, it's so good, but it kills you and destroys your life. Negative thoughts are so dangerous, no matter if they are true or not, you need to send them to hell, at least some, sometimes, try, damn it.
Suppose you are ugly, then what? Crying will make you look better? No. If you have a problem either you accept it or you solve it, or partially solve it, you do what you can.
But the truth is that you are NOT ugly, geez, I actually think if you were not depressed and you didn't complain so much, girls would love you and find you cute. because there's nothing ugly about you, nothing.

Sorry for this strong opinion, but you need to realize that complaining won't solve anything, even though it is easy to hope someone will rescue you... but I have seen reality, when you're depressed, no one comes and rescue you. You have to say "Damn it, ok, let's get up..." and do something yourself. Please do something... you can do it... I thought I couldn't do anything either, but I realized I actually can.

Take care.

Tough love and I totally agree :)


You are not ugly. You are an attractive guy with a great smile. (I'm assuming that is you in your av?) :) I know exactly how you feel though. I think a lot of us here have the same problem where it's very hard for us to accept compliments from other people. We feel as if they are just feeling sorry for us because it's hard for us to believe anything positive about ourselves. It is so hard to escape from the self-loathing that can accompany sad.

ditto, id kill to look like him lol


Well-known member
If you don't want to hear the truth (that you're not ugly), then go away for a bit, blow off some steam, and come back when you're ready to listen to others.


Well-known member
I've f#cking had enough, i have f#ck all to offer anyone. No job, no personality, no hope
I duno you but i bet that's soo not true, think about it you'd have to have some kinda issue if you had no personality whatsoever. It's just cos you have this and it's holding you back from letting your character out. :rolleyes:
I feel angry with myself a lot and think i have no hope, but i think things wil get better, especially if they are bad atm. So hold on and i'm sure a job will come along.
and i'm f#cking ugly! F#ck! F#ck! F#ck! What's the point of being alive?!
Eh, take a look at yersel !
You are no way ugly man ::(:
I think looks have feck all to do with it anyhoo. Ye feel the way ye feel at the end of the day ::(: and i'm sorry you feel like this.
Point in being alive is well..you need to find a point. I spose we all need to feel like there is a reason for us to exist and yh you need to find it..[:
I'm sure you will
And i feel like i'm always ignored aswell, must be part of sa, at least we are probably not loud mouthy obnoxius people ! :D people like that should be the ones left out.
Keep yer chin up [:
*hugs ye*


You will never get better. That is the truth, sorry. You know why. Because you don't want to get better. Nothing will make you feel better, because you won't accept it, you won't believe it.

Change your fuking negative thoughts. Even if they are true, forget about them for a while, because they will kill you. It's like cocaine. It's good, it's so good, but it kills you and destroys your life. Negative thoughts are so dangerous, no matter if they are true or not, you need to send them to hell, at least some, sometimes, try, damn it.
Suppose you are ugly, then what? Crying will make you look better? No. If you have a problem either you accept it or you solve it, or partially solve it, you do what you can.
But the truth is that you are NOT ugly, geez, I actually think if you were not depressed and you didn't complain so much, girls would love you and find you cute. because there's nothing ugly about you, nothing.

Sorry for this strong opinion, but you need to realize that complaining won't solve anything, even though it is easy to hope someone will rescue you... but I have seen reality, when you're depressed, no one comes and rescue you. You have to say "Damn it, ok, let's get up..." and do something yourself. Please do something... you can do it... I thought I couldn't do anything either, but I realized I actually can.

Take care.

That was such a nice post!! ^_^
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Well-known member
Guys i feel guilty right now after my self pittying outburst on here. I actually agree with Nicholas that i will never change. No kind words from anyone will make a difference to me because i've got so much negativity stuck in my mind. There's no use for anyone to give me kind words when i only believe my own self hatred. I can't escape my thoughts, even getting drunk does not give me release..In fact it makes me more depressed. Yesterday i had a drinking binge and i cried my eyes out for what must have been a solid 2 hours, all the things which have hurt me in the past just get brought out again when i get drunk.

I don't want to die alone without having ever experienced love o'r friendship, but i'm afraid it's too late for me to change anything now. The damage has already been done.


Listen the damage hasnt been done... it can all be fixed.
When i was at school i was the outcast who lost his friends and never made any new ones.
I was put down as a psychopath and no one wanted to be social with me what so ever.
But now five years on i got a lot of friends and every thursday i'm down the pub with my mates and once a month i go round shooting (people) with bb guns so i'm reaching a turning point at the moment... I'll go to college in september and hopefully have friends my age.
Good luck mate.


Well-known member
Please don't give up yet, recluse. Like many people have said, things can get better. They have for me, but at a gradual pace. Also, if that's you in your avatar, you're not ugly at all. You're actually pretty cute. :)


Well-known member
Sorry Ive neglected you a bit recluse. Ive been having my own pit of despair.

Can I join the no job, no car club and also I have no home to throw in to the self pity pot.

Im trying to be positive...if things are so low and awful the only way is up and things can only get better right??

Im always a friendly ear recluse if u want one.

Take care.


Well-known member
Sorry Ive neglected you a bit recluse. Ive been having my own pit of despair.

Can I join the no job, no car club and also I have no home to throw in to the self pity pot.

Im trying to be positive...if things are so low and awful the only way is up and things can only get better right??

Im always a friendly ear recluse if u want one.

Take care.

I wasn't implying that you o'r anyone else on here had neglected me, i was talking about my real life. I just hate the fact that my life consists of being online.


Well-known member
Well it's easier for me to vent online but in real life i just get really withdrawn and have little desire to talk to anyone.