Why am i always ignored?

I know how you feel, I feel exactly the same way. Each day is a nightmare for me and its upsetting feeling alone 24 hours a day, but we are all in the same boat and eventually we should overcome them.
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Hi I'm new so this is the first time I'm talking to you. I feel ignored all the time. (so please don't ignore this reply :D that'll really mess my head up)I'll force myself to get around groups of people & when I talk it's like peoples eyes glaze over & they just talk to others and act like I haven't said anything. That throws me into a big tailspin that usually takes me days to recover. I can't help but take it personally. It's like what I have to say isn't even worth acknowledging that I've said anything. Like Muriel said on Muriel's wedding, "I'm not nothing!". If you haven't seen that movie I highly recommend it. But, I've had my own new haircut validated twice this week by two people & I'm still trying to convince myself it's cute and I know it really is, but that nagging self-deprecation lingers, so I understand the mental struggle. I hope today you can take a deep breath, walk out to face the world with courage. Write to me, I'd love to be your friend, even if I am an old broad I still like to be friends with people of all ages.


I've f#cking had enough, i have f#ck all to offer anyone. No job, no personality, no hope, and i'm f#cking ugly! F#ck! F#ck! F#ck! What's the point of being alive?!

I dont know I think that alot,I mean why do we even bover to get up in the mornings?

Everyone has got to have a goal or an ambition in life otherwise we're just empty.


Well-known member
Hey hey, drop the NEGATIVE attiude and see it on the BRIGHT side!
and OH NO, you are NOT ugly..and I am NOT saying that just to be nice..^_^:


Yeah I disparately want a job myself. I was hoping it would give me something to do to keep my mind busy and maybe find people to talk to. Let us know if anything changes. It gives me some hope for myself if I see some of you other guys have success.


Well-known member
i guess the point in being alive is hoping you're able to climb out of whatever hole you've dug yourself into. or at least that's my purpose in life.

I second that. It's a decent enough purpose. Gotta keep hoping :)
I've f#cking had enough, i have f#ck all to offer anyone. No job, no personality, no hope, and i'm f#cking ugly! F#ck! F#ck! F#ck! What's the point of being alive?!

In this imperfect world being ignored is not always a bad thing. For example, a lot of popular people are being tossed from left-to-right because everybody want a piece of them. They hardly have time for themselves or at the least be "real" individuals. They always have to put on a mask because, as you know, appearances is everything; so they say.

Nevertheless, I have found that if you really examine yourself and your surroundings you will discover that it is not that you are always ignored, but it's that you ARE NOT PAYING ATTENTION to those who are taking notice of you or are interested in getting to know you.

So, this is what I want you to do:
1. Look to see who YOUR ARE ignoring
2. Look to see who YOU want to pay you attention
3. Look to see WHO is actually paying you attention
4. Forget about those NOT paying you attention
5. Go and befriend those PAYING YOU ATTENTION

You see! It is that simply!

I Learned To Kill My Panic Attacks. My Coping Days Are OVER!http://www.killingpanicattacks.com/My_Story_.html


Listen, it makes no difference to me whenether someone says i'm not ugly, i don't trust anyone and what they say, people lie, cheat, no one gives a f#ck how anyone feels. I feel ugly and no lie from anyone just to make me feel better will change that. I wish people would just be honest and say ''You're and ugly b#stard!''....''I hate you!''....Just tell me the truth!

What's the point of even trying to make friends because they all get bored of me and abandon me anyway. People rather have friends who betray than an honest guy like me.

Im bi and I still dont find you ugly. I know ugly are your not part of it.


I feel the same way. But its kind of my fault for being so damn quiet. I can't help it, its like I am so use to not speaking and only thinking in my mind that I find it hard to actually speak on a regular basis. If you were in NY I'd say we'd drink a few beers together.


Active member
heey man don't talk like that, i don't know you but well... i realize that you feel with a lot of negative thoughts now and maybe you find yourself as a looser and what if you are a looser? i'm a looser too man and i feel what is exactly to feel like a looser just think for a second that is ****ing ugly being a teen and have just 4 friends that rarely visit you, and not being in a school like ALL the guys of my age are in, i mean i have just 16 yrs old and i have sp!! D: that is *****ng bad recluse, i don't know what it feels being called at 9:00 pm to go a party... in few years i will be no longer a teenager and i' remember my teen years as bad and boring because i will kick out my anxiety ( i hope so)
i will have a wife and 4 kids and try to be "normal" because i'll be allways quiet, is like the way i am... the point is...never loose hope man because if you loose it all will turn worse, BY THE WAY, i don't know why you have never experienced love, you're not ugly man and so... british girls are a thing that i simply can't resist , i would be asking some girl in a club that if she wants to drink some liquor with me :D even being myself a shy guy:D NEVER GIVE UP


Active member
i can't say a whole lot because i think there is very little you can say to someone who is convinced that they are total shit; but i can at least tell you this. even those who others think are "beautiful" think that they are ugly and horrid too. you can't see through another persons eyes, so don't pretend you can.

at least take solace in the fact that you aren't alone.


New member
I've f#cking had enough, i have f#ck all to offer anyone. No job, no personality, no hope, and i'm f#cking ugly! F#ck! F#ck! F#ck! What's the point of being alive?!

your not ugly, people just are not blessed with the personality, all people i have met are the same. if i see a real good or friendly person once a year i feel so happy but things go back to same i am living in hell, i hardly had friends or i can trust. i never had good times in elementary, secondary and after, i missed all the fun. I never accomplished anything, i'm ignored by most most people. i left home for 3 months, some nights i used to go to the some area where i could start something with someone and someone could blast something in my brain. I keep thinkin of my primary school days and the great times i had even i had 1 real friend and that help but i saw him after a dark day just cussin myself i felt God made my life painfull and loneliest person on planet but i think god was the one that helped me see him on the road but i found out his selling druggs and he didn't remember me after he saw me i found out he did to much weed and he had brain problem, killed his brain cells and memory loss. i thought i was on this planet to take all the worlds pain. Nothing is fine i feel like putting it to an end, i can't even play the sport i love because i overused my body by overtraining my life is worse then hell, i would love to die to put an end.


New member
there people that are living worse then u like me so try turning to god it will help if u do it for 3 weeks just pray abit or as much as u can build a habit, from there other good habits will come. Its hard to change your self but when you give yourself to god trust me you can change, i go to the temple and help out, keep my self busy and ignore people.


Well-known member
I've f#cking had enough, i have f#ck all to offer anyone. No job, no personality, no hope, and i'm f#cking ugly! F#ck! F#ck! F#ck! What's the point of being alive?!

I think I feel the same about myself.
My life is over and it never even started. But I need to fix the problems in my head first.


Well-known member
As hard as it is to do recluse, you must eliminate your negative thinking. This definitely takes a lot of hard work. These negative thoughts are not what people say about you, these thoughts are what we feel about ourselves. You almost have to reprogram your mind to try to be positive. Trust me, I know how you feel and I understand how you feel b/c I am going through it myself. It is important not to let other people define you. We all struggle with something in life and our struggle is with anxiety. For me, some days are good and some days are not so good. You have to keep going and hope for better days!!