When you die do you want a funeral?


Well-known member
No, I want to be chopped up in bits and fed to starving children in Africa. It's the right thing to do.

OMG!!! LMAO...

I want a big funeral, the bigger the better. I want all that sappy sad songs that are played over and over to make the people that showed up all sad and weep... I want a few of those songs off of the Titanic sound track that make you tear up... I want that whole congregation to be bawling by the time they all leave, so that maybe they will get a taste of what my life was like... My last guilt trip! He he he he Then after all the fanfare I want to be cremated and my ashes put in a urn and I want to be buried next to my only family member that really cared about me....my dad.


Well-known member
MOONIE!!!! I agree completely with you! I will never get married! First off I'm an atheist and 2ndly I would not be able to choose a best man or the other groom's guys whatever they are called because I don't have a best friend... and I wouldn't know who to invite. also I can't even stand being at weddings or receptions they are the worst!! Some one should start a thread on the wedding thing I would love to hear what people have to say about it.... I'm not gunna start it tho cus I've already posted way too many threads today "blushes and runs to a corner to hide".


Well-known member
Well, obviously that wouldn't be my decision. My family would have to make that choice. As for burial or cremation, I would rather be cremated. It would save a lot of money, plus I doubt the earth needs another rotting corpse in it.

Though I figure that if I died, no one would even notice. =/

Plus with cremation you save money on heating!


Well-known member
No, I want to be chopped up in bits and fed to starving children in Africa. It's the right thing to do.
I know that's a joke but I've honestly thought when it's my time I'd like to wander out into the middle of nowhere in Africa and be killed/eaten by lions. May need to take something so I wouldn't be in total agony.

That or wander off into some remote snowy forest and die.

Both those have a similar theme of returning to the earth with nature that appeals to me I suppose, forgive me for being so morbid but the thought of rotting in a box or being burnt in a box terrifies me (besides the fact that I'd you know, be dead).


I want my body donated to science. My skeleton will be on display in some medical teaching hospital :)


Well-known member
When I'm dead I want to be stuffed and mounted on a hunter's wall.

only after a long chase through the woods; an initial wound, them following the blood trail to me, and finally my last gasp effort to preserve my life, a savage fight to the death. Hopefully rigor mortis leaves my face in a grotesque grimace, striking fear into the hearts of his grandchildren's grandchildren!

... but really, people can do whatever they like with my deadness... leave me in field to rot and be eaten by the coyodos if they like


Well-known member
I don't want a funeral. I just want something to benefit from my death, whether that means donating organs, feeding some scavenger, or just fertilizing some plants somewhere.


Well-known member
Cheapest funeral possible. And yeah, I want to go back to the earth from whence I came - not laying in some ridiculously expensive box.


Well-known member
I hope no1 knows about my funeral, so no1 can raise my corpse as a zombie. Better to cremate me!