When was your first kiss??


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sphericalmind said:
Reholla said:
How old were you when you got your first kiss?? :-*

I was 20!!!

and it wasnt a kiss...it was a full on make out session. i wish it wasnt...it kind of makes it less special. i guess i should have realized that because i met him at a club- not the best places to go for a long-lasting relationship...
what about everyone else??

whoah, that's kind of similar to mine. i was 17, and me and some friends were at this party. i met a girl there and we ended up making out. what made it even less special or significant was the fact that i was really drunk.. and i think she was too. i think that was my first one.

Ha. Ditto.

Except he ... erm... "took in out" in my case. I remember thinking, "Hold on a second.... what the fuck am I doing here?! I definatly don't wanna play with that... time to go!"

I don't really regret it though - shit happens and all that.


I was around 18 or 19 when I had my first kiss. I met the guy online and we talked for over a year and eventually decided to meet in person. I met him at an airport with my best friend, it was really nerve wracking because I was worried that I wouldn't recognize him and there was a big crowd of people so it was hard to tell which one was him. He eventually walked up to me, smiled and went to kiss me but I was so nervous that I moved my head away from him and he accidentally kissed me in my eye. We were together for 2 years after that.


Well-known member
Umm.. I'm still waiting... unless you count that peck on the forehead I gave in first grade to the cute little girl in the front row. Or the kiss on the forehead I got in first grade from the ugly girl who for some reason had a crush on me o_O

AND I STILL HATE HER!! There was this other girl in first grade she was soooo beautiful. She liked me. She made this little picture for me that said "I love you" on it. She saw that girl kiss me and she thought I liked her so she "dumped" me. She sadly grew up to be one of the most beautiful and nicest women ever and was a cheerleader when I was in HS. Ya I had her when I was 7, the most beautiful person on the planet and that ugly girl ruined it!!!


Well-known member
The last tongue twister was around 3 years ago now, it was out of this world and lasted hours and hours, great practice too, you feel all tingly and radiant ..

we'd known each other for a while so it made it even more special


Active member
I'm 27 and my firs kiss still has to come (if it ever will). In fact, I have never done anything even remotely sexual with a woman. And some people still think I'm successful with women for I'm otherwise outgoing and not shy at all. How much will that last, though?


Well-known member
TheWall said:
I'm 18 and I still haven't had my first kiss.

you will... like i said i wasnt till 20, and even at that it wasnt even special...the guy came out to meet me and he acted like he was so excited to see me and we held hands all the way up to his room...and after it was over, he was such an A HOLE! he was texting on his phone, and i was like "what are you doing??!" and no response...then when i left he didnt even walk me out to my car...just goes to show hes only excited when hes "getting some" or whatever...it was pretty clear he wanted to go farther that night and he probably felt rejected and didnt walk me out. SO I PICKED A WINNER! all i know is my husbands not going to be anything like himm...well i take it back i liked his personality...just my husbands going to love me for ME and not to just get some action that night. THAT WHY MEETING PEOPLE AT CLUBS IS SO SHORT TERM....

Anyway i didnt mean for this to be depressing...if you havent had your first kiss yet it really doesnt mean anything. Its just being in the right time and place. any one can have their first kiss just like anyone can get married. people who dont arent necessarily socially retarded and people who are married can be pretty socially "ungraceful" too...

i had like boyfriend after boyfriend when i was a little girl and when i grew up that kind of easy life just stopped. i guess im not approachable. i dont really count my relationships or whatever that was from child hood... but i wish i had that NOW instead of then...


Active member
I'm 18, it was about 3months ago at a friends party, me and her were both drunk, it was fuckin awesome at the time but I cant remember it clearly.


Well-known member
Edith said:
sphericalmind said:
Reholla said:
How old were you when you got your first kiss?? :-*

I was 20!!!

and it wasnt a kiss...it was a full on make out session. i wish it wasnt...it kind of makes it less special. i guess i should have realized that because i met him at a club- not the best places to go for a long-lasting relationship...
what about everyone else??

whoah, that's kind of similar to mine. i was 17, and me and some friends were at this party. i met a girl there and we ended up making out. what made it even less special or significant was the fact that i was really drunk.. and i think she was too. i think that was my first one.

Ha. Ditto.

Except he ... erm... "took in out" in my case. I remember thinking, "Hold on a second.... what the fuck am I doing here?! I definatly don't wanna play with that... time to go!"

I don't really regret it though - shit happens and all that.

umm...are you referring to sex. because in that case, our experiences werent similar... the furthest ive gotten is 3rd base.


Well-known member
I hope no girl will ever kiss my cheek. I have such high fat production in my face. It would be disgusting.


Well-known member
My first kiss I must of been like 5 or 6. The girl next door, same age as me, we used to hide in her room and giggle and kiss all the time.
Holy crap, I can't believe I remember that still.


Well-known member
Reholla said:
Edith said:
sphericalmind said:
Reholla said:
How old were you when you got your first kiss?? :-*

I was 20!!!

and it wasnt a kiss...it was a full on make out session. i wish it wasnt...it kind of makes it less special. i guess i should have realized that because i met him at a club- not the best places to go for a long-lasting relationship...
what about everyone else??

whoah, that's kind of similar to mine. i was 17, and me and some friends were at this party. i met a girl there and we ended up making out. what made it even less special or significant was the fact that i was really drunk.. and i think she was too. i think that was my first one.

Ha. Ditto.

Except he ... erm... "took in out" in my case. I remember thinking, "Hold on a second.... what the fuck am I doing here?! I definatly don't wanna play with that... time to go!"

I don't really regret it though - shit happens and all that.

umm...are you referring to sex. because in that case, our experiences werent similar... the furthest ive gotten is 3rd base.

No. No. No sex. I was just VERY drunk and when I realised where my hand was and what it was doing I thought, "Oh shit... waaaay tooo much beer.... erm... I have to leave now!"

That's basically as far as I've let myself get.


Well-known member
I was 21 years old. I went out to a club with my roommates and an RA that lived on the floor. After the night (of complete drunkeness), I went back to his room and had my first kiss- and such. I was just happy to finally say I had my first kiss. Event though it all happened so soon and maybe it wasn't the right person. Though, I didn't realize that at the time. I went out with him for about a month or two after that.