When was your first kiss??


Never, I'm 26. I know I've missed chances but whenever a girl would show interest in me I'd usually just walk away because I couldn't handle it :| I'm getting better now though, I can at least talk to girls but I don't think I can handle a relationship yet.

On a related note, how do you deal with friends talking about sex around you, they haven't really asked me anything specific yet but it's slowly going from vague questions to more detailed. I don't know if I should tell my friends that I'm a virgin if they ask or just avoid the question. I'm comfortable with it but I know how guys are and I'm pretty sure they'd try to hook me up with a girl right away if they found out and I don't think I can handle that.


New member
I was 16, wasn't that great, i was around the school lockers and with the first girl i had asked out hu hadnt turned me down. So i went to hug her (we had to go bk to class) but she went for the kiss. Oops then 2nd attempt i went in with my lips only slightly parted, she went in with wide open and we kinda giggled nervously lol. Then the final time we kissed and it was wet (kinda like she was attacking my face) but yea after that we hardly ever talked again.

My next kiss i was drunk for the first time, it was great and i was happy about it. Didnt go out with this girl though. Then few months on i got drunk and asked a girl who i pretty moved loved for ages and she sed yea. We went out to the cinema and she kissed me first. Best ever. Went out with her for 2 years and kissin her was good lol.

But yea, most of this year i hav been getting drunk and kissing people i just met. Defo not as good.


New member
I was 23 and it was right after my husband proposed to me. Yes, really! I'm fortunate that I found a man who is very much like me and understands me...and is just a is odd as me. For that, I am blessed.

However, there were two previous occasions to that where it could have happened. The first was when I was 17... and I think it scarred me for life, seriously. I really liked this boy and we had been walking and he going to kiss me when I farted. :oops: Yeah, I still remember his laughing so hard he spit in my face. I couldn't go to school for a week because I just KNEW that he told everyone. Apparently, he didn't... but he also never really spoke to me again either.

The other was when I was 19 but I completely freaked out and said something like, "My Dad's dying...." to change the subject.

Yeah... that was smooth.


Well-known member
I have always been wonder if it really is anything special. :/ I don't feel that it's something I long for at all.


Well-known member
My first kiss was in a spin the bottle game at a hotel when I was 12 years old. I remember being so nervous when I spun the bottle that it only went around one time (the minimum requirement). Fortunately it landed on the girl sitting next to me who was the only girl in the room I wanted to kiss anyway. The lights when down and I got my first kiss...a French kiss at that. It was awesome. One of the best memories of my life.

I ended up dating the girl for 3 weeks after that, but she broke up with me because I never called her. Even though she was my girlfriend I was too terrified to actually talk to her.


Well-known member
omg thats funny. my first kiss was a french kiss too!!!!!!!!!!!! do you like those????!?!!! i dont. im not sure. but i would rather just kiss normally than with a tongue half way down your throat. i think french kissing is for sex. but thats just me.


Reholla said:
omg thats funny. my first kiss was a french kiss too!!!!!!!!!!!! do you like those????!?!!! i dont. im not sure. but i would rather just kiss normally than with a tongue half way down your throat. i think french kissing is for sex. but thats just me.

My first kiss was a full on frenchie... If im honest i found it a bit minging the first time 8O But after getting use to kissing like that i prefer it,I think its so much more sensual passionate and sexy and is how i always kiss now mostly.


I had my first kiss when I was 21, well, it was more like I was pecked on the lips since I totally froze up like a board. Haha, well, I ended up marrying him and we still talk about our awkward experience with unyielding fondness. I was always TERRIFIED to be kissed, so, honestly... I don't think it ever would have happened any other way. :wink: