When was your first kiss??


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I was 18 and drunk (big surprise there!) It was nice though. I never did talk to the guy again and he never spoke to me. What does that say?
Im 16, nearly 17 and still waitin for it to happen. Id do anythin to just kiss with a girl on the sofa and just cuddle watchin a movie... :)


Well-known member
Leki, I dont know what that says. Because the same thing happened to me.
It sucked bc it made me feel used and like a piece of meat. I guess i should have caught on when he kept saying i was "sexy" over and over, and not beautiful...

He was my first kiss, we were on a twin bed, lights were out...he definitely wanted to go all the way and i stopped him. He was the BIGGEST jerk and didnt even walk me out to my car after. He was just like "so this was fun.." so i am not sure what that says? but in my case im pretty sure i KNOW he was a JERK and it doesnt say anything about me..
Interesting posts so far. I think invariably females will be of a younger age than guys for their first kiss because (obviously) guys are more often than not the aggressor in initiating the kiss. For us guys with SA, we have more of a challenge on our hands, right? Because we have to muster up the courage to not only read the signs the girl is giving, but to also pull the trigger and hope it goes well. A daunting task for social phobics, no?

With that said, I am 25 and still haven't had the courage to pursue that first magical (or awkward!) kiss. Maybe soon!


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English_Dude said:
Im 16, nearly 17 and still waitin for it to happen. Id do anythin to just kiss with a girl on the sofa and just cuddle watchin a movie... :)

Same here dude, I'm 17 and still haven't got that first kiss yet. I've never even gone out on a date with a girl and I've never had a girlfriend. I basically only have 2 friends now that are girls and one of them rarely talks to me because I don't really know what I'm supposed to talk to her about so I get really nervous. The other girl has a boyfriend and she hangs out with him a lot so I don't see much of her. If I could just get a girlfriend, I would make sure that I treat her right and that we always have lots of fun so that I don't lose her.


Well-known member
It was when i was 12 - wasnt very good, my first what i would call "real kiss" (something that means something) was when i was 15 to my first girlfriend... i remember every single detail, it meant alot.. she tasted like whiskey n it was perfect :D


bulldog21083 said:
So at the end of the night when I dropped her off we hugged. I sensed she wanted a kiss but I wasn't 100% so I didn't wanna come on too strong. So on my way home she texted me and asked why I didn't kiss her, so I explained it.

The next weekend she came over and we watched a movie at my place. This time I knew when we said goodbye I would kiss her. Anyways about 1/4 of the way through the movie I had my arm around her and we were cuddling. She kind of looked up at me and then kissed me. We kind of made out for a minute or so every 5-10 minutes and at the end we made out for about 5 minutes. The next night we watched another movie. This time at the end we made out heavily at the end for about 25 minutes.

sounds lovely ...:)


Well-known member
Oh god, I feel pathetic. 23 and haven't kissed a girl yet. But, I've had severe SA since I was 15 so...even blatant offers from them resulted in nothing.


First kiss?

First... kiss...? I've never been to one of their concerts before.

Ohhhhhh, first kiss! :) Well, I suppose it would have been my mother, shortly after I was born. Does that count? :oops:

All joking aside, I'm 25 and haven't kissed a girl yet. The opportunity may have arisen before, but I think I'm too socially inept to have realized. :(


Well-known member
I must say I'm so suprised when SAy guys here say that they have actually had opportunities to get a some girl. (O,o)


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Kien i worked in hospitality for four years and in that time you see stacks of people coming and going ..

i don't think its SA that stops people from meeting other people as i'm fairly quiet and i was making friends with really outgoing people because i involved myself around them and showed interest, its really that simple ..

I also learnt a simple trick that does work, its as easy as properly introducing yourself to others, i can recall many times i wnated to approach certain staff just to say hello and i didnt, but a number of times that i did those staff would always say hi when they saw me the next time and eventually that led to layed back conversations and then i made 2 friends out of it ..but many people i didnt acknowledge their existance because i expected they would acknowledge me first and so no possible friendship could eventuate ...

chatterbox outgoing people on the surface seem super confident and socially they are that doesnt mean they dont want to make a friend out of you ...on the inside they feel the same emotions as you they just express them vocally, their lives may not be all roses though in reality, talkative people are there to help you too, they can lift your spirits if you get stuck ..

if you come across others that are more shy then you already have something in common, thus its a win-win ...

I've been to a number of music festivals this year and didnt say alot but i had strangers walking up and they stayed with us for the whole day because they wanted some chums to talk to for the day, i didnt say alot but they liked me anyway ..i dont know

so i believe the more you start showing up to places populated by other people the chances of you meeting people you like will sky rocket ..


Well-known member
I've had the chance a few times but I always leaned back and didn't kiss them.

So I still haven't kissed anyone


Well-known member
I've never had a kiss period.
Unless I count the time in second grade where this girl had three of her friends grab me at recess and hold me down so she could kiss me. But I don't think that counts.


17. I have kissed alot of girls, but never was it out of love...the one i loved i never kissed, it's not a big deal..without love it's like kissing something wet,slimmy..not worth it.