I totally get it. :thumbup: I tried cutting way back on caffeine (hugely important), getting enough sleep, and making sure I get enough alone time. In the end, I ended up getting on a low dose of Prozac, which takes the final edge off my anxiety and makes me a very pleasant person to be around.
It took me a long time to realize that it was anxiety causing my problems, not my partner and not my seemingly inherently flawed personality. Once I could recognize it for what it is (F*CKING ANXIETY!) I was much relieved and felt the guilt lift from my shoulders. I know you are probably a really wonderful person and a great wife, but you have this anxiety problem that you need to learn to cope with. Don't ever let someone tell you it's not a serious problem, because it is.
Is it anxiety problems? I think I've heard that before; because you're so wound up all the time and tense, the smallest things bother you, sort of like when you're on high alert in a scary situation and the tiniest sound or movement freaks you out. Maybe. It makes a lot of sense.