What's your favorite horror film ?


Well-known member
So what's your favorite horror film?
Mine are all the Texas chainsaw massacre films
"the saw is family"\(^-^)/

The Lost

Well-known member
Toss between The Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise, and The Grudge series. Tricky to decide on just one film.
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Well-known member
I'll name my top 5 cause I'm a big horror fan to be honest. :)
No particular order.

1. Original Halloween
2. The Shining
3. Night Of The Living Dead
4. Texas Chainsaw Massace
5. Let The Right One In


Well-known member
I enjoyed the sixth sense.

I've watched The Exorcist a few times.

Alien has elements of both horror and science fiction.

The Blair Witch project was an original idea that has been parodied in many films.

Troll Hunter made me laugh and was entertaining.

There have been many good horror novels really spoiled as films. The mini series made of It by Stephen King was a real disappointment to me.


Well-known member
I grew up on horror movies and consider myself a horror movie savant a.k.a. snob. :p I'll take my cue from ShyDreamer and list my top 5:

1. Phantasm
2. The Exorcist
3. The Skeptic
4. The Descent
5. The Blair Witch Project


Wrong Turn 2

Drag me to Hell

The Ward

Cabin in the Woods

House on the Hill

Dog Soldiers

The Hostel


Silent Hill as a PS1 game
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Well-known member
1. Original halloween series
2. Friday the 13th
3. Childs play
4. texas chainsaw massacre
5. leprechaun


The Shining probably… I haven't watched a lot of horror movies lately because it doesn't seem like there are so many being made anymore, or they're not as good.


Well-known member
Carrie, certainly had an impact on me. The ending scared the hell out of me. It looked as if there was going to be a happy ending for Carrie, and then the movie descended into some really dark places. The antithesis of the Hollywood Happy ending.


Been trying to remember a favourite, that had a sequel. Thanks for your thread.

Glad it came back to me eventually... Jeepers Creepers

But also a classic, a bit medical and surgical like many, like Silent Hill and The Ward?



Well-known member
The origianl halloween series
The 80's Jason and Freddy Krueger movies
The Return of the living dead
The Fly
The Thing
An American Werewolf in london
Sleepy Hollow
The Sixth Sense


Well-known member
The origianl halloween series
The 80's Jason and Freddy Krueger movies
The Return of the living dead
The Fly
The Thing
An American Werewolf in london
Sleepy Hollow
The Sixth Sense

Kudos for The Return of the Living Dead mention! Great movie. Smartly written and hilarious. Still one of my fave lines ever: "they're, uh, rabid weasels."