What would you do with $1 million?


Well-known member
I would buy a house for myself, and fill it with some furniture (not too much - dislike clutter).

I would pay off my car (it's a 2008 model, so I don't need an upgrade just yet).

I would buy a brand-spankin'-new drum kit!

With whatever's left I would bank and hopefully let it accumulate interest.

What would you do? :)
$1.000.000 what? dollars? euros? pesos? :p

I'll go for house (in another country probably) and car too. Some video game and other geeky stuff (lots of books, planes and cars models). Yes, may be put part of it to produce more money, but above all, travel around the world.

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
Oh, my god. I'd run away with someone and start a new life. LOL...I seriously would. I would change my name and hair color while I was at it. I'd buy a bunch of dresses too of course. And maybe open a bakery though I know nothing about baking...


not actually Fiona Apple
Realistically, I would use pay off my student loans, maybe give some to my parents, and put the rest in a bank account.

Idealistically I would...probably do the same thing. Maybe it's because I'm boring but I can't think of anything that I want that would become available with an excess of cash. Maybe a nice new sweatshirt.


Well-known member
I would definitely get out of the city , maybe somewhere quiet near the sea , get a really small house , no car , nothing complicated i like it simple , other than that i don't know , help the people i know who have money problems , definitely donate a good amount to the meditation center i went to , they entirely live off donations , and buy myself some cool gadgets and musical instruments , i don't think i would be traveling , i could do that now but i'm way too scared , i'd love to visit BC , see the rainforests . Oh and i want a hot tub , a big one .

Oh and i would all come and pick you up one by one in my big jet so we could have a social anxiety party on some deserted tropical island , we could start by playing the musical chair just to break the ice , the winner gets a copy of Skyrim


Well-known member
I would keep $250,000 and probably put most of it into a savings account. I would donate the remaining $750,000 to charity. At least, I think this is what I would realistically do. I wonder if I actually possessed that amount of money, greed would take me over. I'm not really sure.


Well-known member
I always feel bad when I waste money in myself, so I never do.

I guess that I would pay some debts I have, help my family with what they need, buy somewhere cheap to live so I stop being a burden to everyone.

The rest, I have no idea what I'd do, probably I'd just save it until I find something to do with it.
Oh, my god. I'd run away with someone and start a new life. LOL...I seriously would. I would change my name and hair color while I was at it. I'd buy a bunch of dresses too of course. And maybe open a bakery though I know nothing about baking...

Sweet! I want to be that ''someone'' person and run away with you haha. Starting a new life with a new look somewhere else. I would also travel the world and try to find a place which i can call home to myself. Maybe buying a dog as travel buddy. Ofcourse i would take Juni too;) Adventure<3


Well-known member
Oh and i would all come and pick you up one by one in my big jet so we could have a social anxiety party on some deserted tropical island , we could start by playing the musical chair just to break the ice , the winner gets a copy of Skyrim
Yeah, I'd be super keen for that!
Oh and i would all come and pick you up one by one in my big jet so we could have a social anxiety party on some deserted tropical island , we could start by playing the musical chair just to break the ice , the winner gets a copy of Skyrim

Oh yes, this too! A tropical island:)

@Knuffel, tuurlijk, *knuffels*


Well-known member
I would buy a brand-spankin'-new drum kit!

With £1.000.000?
Well I would leave my current job and start a satisfying new career change
Make sure my true friends get a fair little sum
Leave the area and 'posers' behind and build a new house somewhere that i feel happy and at peace with
And yes ^^^ a new drum kit aswell ;)
buy a selection of cars
and give the rest to the mother for safe keeping. :)


Well-known member
First pay off all my debts and family's debts. This has been one of the causes of my depression.

Second, I will travel around the world because Im due for a vacation and I want to get my mind clear. Have fun and try to find my meaning in life.

Finally, whatever is leftover, I will invest and save. I will still get a job and work because 1 million is not enough for me at such a young age. :)

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
Sweet! I want to be that ''someone'' person and run away with you haha. Starting a new life with a new look somewhere else. I would also travel the world and try to find a place which i can call home to myself. Maybe buying a dog as travel buddy. Ofcourse i would take Juni too;) Adventure<3

Yeah, adventure! That is what I have been lacking and what I would seek if I ever got an influx of cash. For sure.


Well-known member
- Get an apartment and live on my own
- Transfer to the college I want and pay off everything. No need to worry about college debt! ::p:
- New wardrobe/makeover
- Go to Europe
- Set aside a good chunk for savings
- Split it up whatever I have left and donate to several charities/organizations


Well-known member
I would save most of it for an early retirement. Then, my bf and I could both cruise along with fun part-time jobs and not worry about how we're going to pay the mortgage. Nothing would change, except we wouldn't have to work as much.