The only one that was diagnosed with was social phobia. But I strongly assume that I might have a minor form of OCD as well, because I have some character traits that could only be described as compulsive.
Like; wanting to throw expensive things I just bought (or things that are plainly valuable to me) of a high balcony. Or strangling of my cat. I would NEVER EVER do that, but sometimes it pops up in my head. Scary.
I also like/have to have things straight and organized when I'm not using them. I can suppress it, but I am most comfortable knowing everything is straight (and level) at the end of the day. It's not uncommon that I take more then 5 minutes making sure my remote is straight and about 2-3 millimeter from my stapler, and edge of the desk.
I don't know if that's OCD, you tell me.
Though, as strange as it may sound those tendencies don't really bother me that much. I just kinda learned to live with them, instead of seeing them as problems. I could live perfectly happy with them, as with social phobia for that matter.